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so many people tried to stop slavery like the north but the people in the south didnt want slavery to end so it then took them 200 years for the slavery to finnaly end

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Q: Why was the history of slavery repressed for so long?
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What made Abe so important to history?

He stopped slavery.

Why do you think that slavery has been so common throughout history?

Because they wanted money

What civilization introduced slavery in the ancient world?

Slavery began from the dawn of man. It goes so far back that it has always been part of the history of man.

Why did it take so long for the israelites yo break out of slavery Egypt?

They had no leader.

Why is your history so important?

well if it wasnt for your history stuff that happened back then would still be happening like slavery and the seperation of black and white (not to be racist).

Was slavery ever legal?

Yes; slavery was legal for a very long time. Then, Abraham Lincoln stopped slavery by his famous saying," All men are created equal!" So, yes, slavery has been legal!

What major religion is currently engaged in large scale slavery and has been for the longest in known history?

In History? Well, Islam does have some slavery but they are not one of the old religions. If your dating back in the past, then perhaps Christians around the middle ages and so on.

Why did it take so long for slavery to end in America?

The first countries in the world to abolish slavery were in Europe and North America. Many countries in Africa did not abolish slavery until the 1980s.

Why did it take so long to abolish slavery?

cuz evree1's a fukn cnt

What did Plato say?

Plato said though out the history there have been people who justify slavery many of them did so purley out of selfintrest

How did the policies of segregation become entrenched in the South?

Mostly because of slavery torwards the black people and the whites did not like the color of blacks so they took action.

Who said the statement about slavery?

There have been many statements made about slavery by various people throughout history. Can you provide more context or a specific quote you are referring to?