it toke place in a part of the world >:( tatara LOL
The year 1836 is important because that's when Texas won its independence
Richard Ellis was elected President of the Convention of 1836.
He was the vice-president. He joined after Santa Anna became at dictator while he was in Paris , France
The answer is that San Antonio De Valero was founded
i think that the people who were in the convention of 1836 or the main people were i dont know
I suspect the year would have been 1836.
What was the Convention of 1836
it toke place in a part of the world >:( tatara LOL
It was the convetnion of 1832 was rwejected nudf
One on Texas' most colorful and important characters during it's early formation into a independent Republic, and finally into statehood, General Sam Houston left the convention to assume the Presidency of "The Republic of Texas." He served in this position from October 1836 until December of 1838. He was succeeded by Mirabeau Lamar.
The year 1836 is important because that's when Texas won its independence
James Madison, who died in 1836.
Richard Ellis was elected President of the Convention of 1836.
Betsy Ross was born in 1752 and died in 1836.
James Madison Jr., who passed away in 1836. During the Constitutional Convention Madison, a Virginia representative, took daily notes of the event that were released upon his death. Madison's political career includes Secretary of State (1801-1809) and President of the United States (1809-1817) Extensive information on the delegates of the Convention can be found at: