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Israel received support from France and the United Kingdom before receiving support from the United States. The Arab Nations were primarily supported by the Soviet Union. The Western Powers and the Soviets used the Israeli-Arab Conflict as a place where they could test their weaponry and have proxy wars.

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Q: Why was the conflict between Israel and the Arab Nations since 1948 often considered part of the Cold War?
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In what ways does the relationship between Israel and Palestinians affect the rest of the region?

The conflict between Israel and the Palestinians destabilizes the region and results in increased militarization among nations.

What was the Abraham-Israel conflict?

There is no such conflict. Abraham and his grandson Israel were never in conflict according to the Bible. There is also no conflict between the patriarch Abraham and the Modern State of Israel.

Six-day war nations involved?

The nations involved in the Six-Day War were Israel, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq. Other Arab nations played minor roles in the short conflict.

Is zionism the cause of the conflict between Israel and Palestine?

Zionism is certainly one of the causes of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. It is not the only cause of the conflict and is also not the most important cause of the conflict.

The conflict in Israel today is between which two religious groups?

It depends which "Conflict in Israel" the question is asking about. If it is asking about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, the conflict is, strictly speaking, between Israelis and Palestinians which are national groups, not religious groups. However, the majority of Israelis are Jewish and the majority of Palestinians are Muslim. (However, there are numerous Muslim Israelis, Druze Israelis, and there are both Christian Israelis and Christian Palestinians.) If it is asking about Israel's internal political conflicts, they are often between Secular Jews and Religious Jews.

Related questions

In what ways does the relationship between Israel and Palestinians affect the rest of the region?

The conflict between Israel and the Palestinians destabilizes the region and results in increased militarization among nations.

What countries had a conflict with Palestine and some other Arab nations?


What was the Abraham-Israel conflict?

There is no such conflict. Abraham and his grandson Israel were never in conflict according to the Bible. There is also no conflict between the patriarch Abraham and the Modern State of Israel.

What are some problems Israel faced right after independence?

Conflict with Arab nations and Palestinians

What 2 main nations want control of Jerusalem?

Israel and Palestine both claim Jerusalem as their capital and seek control over the city. The conflict between the two nations is centered around this issue, as both have historical, religious, and political ties to Jerusalem.

Is the United Nations involved in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?

The UN posts several reports on the conflict between Israel and Palestine on their website. I didn't find their specific involvement, but the "Related Links" below you will lead you to some links for websites with their reports.

What two Middle Eastern Nations are not considered to be Arab nations?

There are actually three non-Arab Middle Eastern Nations: Turkey, Iran, and Israel.

Six-day war nations involved?

The nations involved in the Six-Day War were Israel, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq. Other Arab nations played minor roles in the short conflict.

What is the Advantages and disadvantages of the creation of the state of Israel?

The advantages of the creation of the state of Israel are first, that there is a country to which Jews may flee when they are victims of anti-Semitism, and second, that Jews who live in Israel will be satisfied that they are fulfilling a religious obligation to live in the specific land that was given to the Jews by God (according to the Torah). The disadvantages of the creation of the state of Israel are that this has created a conflict between the Israeli Jews and the Muslims in the middle east, who believe that Israel, formerly known as Palestine, was stolen from them by the Jews, and that Muslims are the ones who are religiously obligated to live there, not the Jews; in addition, the Arab-Israeli conflict has damaged relations between all the nations allied to Israel and all the nations seeking to destroy Israel, and this hostility is a fundamental source of international terrorism and the various wars that have resulted from that terrorism.

Which 2 countries are in a conflict?

Unfortunately, there are more than two conflicts going on. There is an ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza. In addition, there is a major conflict taking place between Russia and the Ukraine.

When was Confederate Nations of Israel created?

Confederate Nations of Israel was created in 1977.

Is zionism the cause of the conflict between Israel and Palestine?

Zionism is certainly one of the causes of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. It is not the only cause of the conflict and is also not the most important cause of the conflict.