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most of them had been sunk or captured by union naval forces

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Q: Why was the confederate effort with privateers unsuccessful?
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What did privateers contribute to the Confederate war effort?

The services of Privateers were purchased by monarchs during war time. Privateers were useful because they were an expansion on the countries military and they were able to carry weapons and trade goods without being attacked by an enemy ship.

Why did the privateers aid in the Revolutionary War effort?

privateers seized cargoes of rum from the west indies , wool from england and furs from canada idk !

The Union seriously hampered the Confederate war effort?

The Union naval blockade seriously hampered the Confederate war effort

What was the motivation for privateers to aid in the war effort?

The Americans had more reason to fight. At stake were not only lives but also their property and dreams of liberty.

What laws were made by the Confederacy to regulate privateers?

Until 1864 the Confederacy placed no restrictions on privateers that were running through the Union blockades. It finally took steps to regulate the privateers by restricting their cargo space. The new laws required that one half of the cargo space in privateers be reserved for Confederate government supplies. The other 50% could be used for any purpose. Being that the case, the other half of cargo space was devoted to the very profitable cargoes of luxury items such as perfumes.

How did the battle of Sullivan's island affect the American revolution?

It was the first effort by the British to capture Charlestown, it proved unsuccessful.

Are pirates the same thing as privateers?

no theres a difference in pirates and in privateers....

How did enslaved African-Americans help to hurt to confederate war effort?


Privately owned ships commissioned to help during wartime?


Seriously hampered the Confederate war effort?

During the American Civil War, a variety of factors hampered the Confederate war effort. Perhaps the most serious was the smaller size of the South's population: Confederate armies were typically outnumbered by their Union counterparts, and replacements for battle-casualties were much harder to recruit.

Why were privateers important?

Privateers were important because they provided their counntry with goods that was stolen from the other ships

How do you use the words privateers in a sentence?

Beware, for this coast is rife with privateers andpirates.A whole fleet of privateers awaits without the cove to escort your ship across the pond, m'lady.