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It was the most vital transportation hub for the capital at Richmond. Petersburg was twenty two miles south of Richmond. It became a fortress for the Confederate capital. Three railroads and a dozen highways all converged at Petersburg.

Its loss would cut Richmond off from the rest of the nation.

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it was a major transportation hub.

its defeat would of cut off Richmond.

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Q: Why was the battle of Petersburg important to the civil war?
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Why is the Battle of Gettysburg the most important battle of the civil war?

The Battle of Gettysburg Is considered the turning point of the Civil War because the Confederates had previously won a considerable amount of battles, and after that, Union took control of the war.

What are main battle s that happened during the civil war?

Shiloh Fredericksburg Chancellorsville Vicksburg Gettysburg Chattanooga Atlanta Petersburg

Was their a big battle in the Civil War?

There were many big battles in the Civil War, including: The Battle of Chancellorsville The Battle of Fredericksburg The Siege of Vicksburg But the most important battle of the Civil War was the Battle of Gettysburg, July 1 - 3, 1863. The first battle that General Robert E. Lee lost.

Why was US Civil War's Siege of Petersburg important?

The Siege of Petersburg was important because it displayed the value of excellent fortifications. The Confederate entrenchments were able to prevent the Federals from capturing Petersburg and cutting Richmond off from the vital supplies it needed. When the siege was finally ended after nine months of Union operations to take the city, it signaled that the US Civil War was only days from its end.

What was the most important civil war battle?

The Battle of Fort Sumter, even though only 10 casualitys it was the battle that started the civil war. Fort Sumter is located in South Carolina. (props to my 8th grade socials studies teacher mrs. mills)Another view:The Battle of Gettysburg, It was the turning point in the civil war because after that battle the union took the upper hand.

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Siege of Petersburg

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The biggest battle of the American Civil War was the batlle at gettysburg.

Did petersburg have a north or south victory in the civil war?

The siege and Battle of Petersburg ended with the decisive victory of the Union, on April 3,1865

How long was the longest battle of the US Civil War?

The siege of Petersburg lasted nine months.

Where did the fall of Petersburg take place?

washington d.c ---------------- In the US Civil War, the Third Battle of Petersburg, also called the Fall of Petersburg, happened near Petersburg, VA, in Dinwiddie County. The battle happened on April 2, 1865.

Battle of petersburg?

The battle of Peters burg was one of the last battles of the Civil War. Neither the North or the South won.

What battle of the civil war was more important?

No battle was more important.

Who won the war in petersburg in the Civil War?

Although there are several parts to the Battle of Peterburgh as a whole it is condsidered a Union Victory. The fall of Petersburg significantly helped in the taking of Richmond, the Confederate capital.

The most famous and important battle of the Civil War was?

battle of Gettysburg

What made the battle of chattonooga important on the civil war?

it was a main battle

How many victories did general grant have in the civil war?

6 in the Mexican-American War 7 in the Civil war

Why is the Battle of Gettysburg the most important battle of the civil war?

The Battle of Gettysburg Is considered the turning point of the Civil War because the Confederates had previously won a considerable amount of battles, and after that, Union took control of the war.