The Gettysburg Address was a speech spoken by Abraham Lincoln after the Battle of Gettysburg. The Battle of Gettysburg was the bloodiest battle because of the fact that there was mass amounts of killings and blood shed occurring. In fact it was the battle that had the greatest number of casualties during the Civil War.
No. The battle that had the highest casualties for one day was Antietam. Gettysburg's 3-day battle was the bloodiest. Shiloh was the first large battle in Spring of 1862 with thousands of casualties. When people read about this, they realized the war would be long and very bloody.
In the Battle of Gettysburg. The North lost about 23,000 soldiers, and the South lost about 20,400 soldiers.
On the first day of the Battle of Gettysburg there were about 9,000 Union casualties and 6,000 Confederate casualties.
The Battle of Gettysburg was viewed as the turning point for the civil war (the union started winning afterward).
Antietam is the deadliest single day battle in the history of the United States. Gettysburg was deadlier but over the span of three days.
It was a bloody battle
Yes. It was the bloodiest 1 day battle (Gettysburg is also considered the bloodiest but occurred over 3 days).
Yes - the most costly of all.
The first day of the Battle of Gettysburg was WednesdayJuly 1 1863.
On the Field of a bloody civil war battle ------->NovaNet
No. The battle that had the highest casualties for one day was Antietam. Gettysburg's 3-day battle was the bloodiest. Shiloh was the first large battle in Spring of 1862 with thousands of casualties. When people read about this, they realized the war would be long and very bloody.
It was the most bloody battle in the Civil War
Gettysburg (3-day battle). And the bloodiest one-day battle was Antietam.
Gettysburg. (And the deadliest 1-day battle was Antietam.)