The state of Viginia gets its name from Elizabeth I "Virgin Queen" as she never married.. its referred to as the Commonwealth of Virginia... it was rich in Natural Resources and its location was ideal.
The main reason the Virginia Colony was founded, as the first charter of Virginia says, was "propagating Christian Religion to such People, as yet live in Darkness and miserable Ignorance of the true Knowledge and Worship of God." Farther down in the charter they also mention finding gold, silver, and copper.
Most settlers in Virginia were drawn there as in most colonies for religious freedom, and because of the state's mild climate, and good growing conditions
Originally founded from a desire to gain wealth. The purpose of silk cultivation, silk to be traded with the court of King James. After blight fungus destroyed the Mulberry trees, which is silkworm food, colonists planted tobacco as a cas crop. The original Jamestown settlers were after profit, mainly riches in the form of gold, and other precious metals. Hope this helps.
The Virginia colony
It was Virginia. Virginia was founded in 1607 By John Smth for religious purpoes.
North Carolina
Virginia it was founded in 1607
Virginia was founded in 1607
sir Walter Raleigh
Answer in 1638 founded by Peter MinuitDelaware was founded as a colony by Peter Minuit in 1638. Delaware was named after Lord de la Warr, a governor of the Virginia colony.