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America fought to prevent communists from taking over Vietnam. they failed, and communists took over vietnam.

Then the communists decided not to be communist anymore but shop at Mcdonalds and wal-mart instead.

Did america lose the Vietnam War? It depends on whether you look short term or long term

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We got sick of the fighting and pushed for peace by pulling out our troops, and we could've finished them off if we had stuck it out for a few more years, too.

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Q: Why was the Vietnam war considered a defeat?
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North Vietnamese won the Vietnam War, and it is the year 1975, not 1990, that they militarily defeat South Vietnam.

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The Vietnam war, for sure

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No. The Korean War was a draw, but Vietnam was won by the communists.

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For many, it was the feelings of defeat and rejection.

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The objectives of going to war in Vietnam were to defeat the Communist Vietcong army and prevent the spread of Communism to Vietnam.

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South Vietnam was considered an ally of the US.

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From the communists: Victory From the US/Allies: Defeat

Contrast Vietnam war to Korean war?

Korea-Extremely cold and a communist defeat (they did not obtain their objective). Vietnam-Extremely hot and a communist victory (they obtained their objective).

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Defeat the communist north and unite Vietnam under one capitalist dictatorship. Win the war.

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After the BATTLE OF DIEN BIEN PHU, the French considered the First Indochina War to have been a defeat and withdrew from all Indochina (including Vietnam).