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The underground railroad was very successful because no slave owners knew about it. Also, there was no way for anyone to track the slaves, so the slaves could leave without anyone noticing. Another reason is that many people, including Harriet Tubman, helped the slaves along the way. Many people wouldn't have thought that slaves would be that smart so there was no suspicion.

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because they had alot of help to get to their destinations

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15y ago

The resons of the success of the escape in the underground railroad is if harriet Tubman a former slave did'nt escape a lot of slaves would have bin killed.

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The Underground Railroad was mostly successful because they usually got the enslaved African Americans to safety and freedom in the North.

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Why do you think the underground railroad was so successful?

it was very sucsesful it was very sucsesful

How was the underground railroad was able to be so successful in it's fight against slavery?

It was in secret.

Why was the underground railroad successful?

Cause white people helped

Who was one of the most successful conductors of the underground railroad?

harriet Tubman

How many slaves escape using the underground railroad?

There is no way to tell exactly how many slaves escaped using the underground railroad. This was a successful route to freedom for a great many.

Did people who were not involve in the underground railroad know about the underground railroad?

Yes they did and that is why it was so amazingly secrative. Yes because some of the whites helped the slaves get to freedom by using the Underground Railroad.

Why was the Underground Railroad so important?

The Underground Railroad contributed to the Civil War as a dramatic protest action against slavery. Established in the early 1800's, the Underground Railroad helped thousands of slaves to escape bondage.

Was the Underground Railroad underground?

No it is known as the underground railroad as it was hidden from sight

What were main accomplishment of Harriet Tubman?

Being a successful leader in the underground railroad during the Civil War.

How did Abolitionists fix the tracks on the Underground Railroad?

The Underground Railroad wasn't a literal railroad, so there were no tracks. It was a metaphor for the routes that escaped slaves took on their journey North.

What is the name of the railroad that Harriet Tubman worked on?

The Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad.

When did the Underground Railroad end?

the underground railroad started in 1816 and ended in 1856.