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Hawaii was a US Territory.

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Q: Why was the US occupying Hawaii in the 40's if it was not yet a state?
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What is the term used to describe Hawaii not being connected to the continent?

Hawaii is not contiguous or better yet, Hawaii is a Pacific Island State.

Has the Hawaii state quarter come out yet?

Yes they were released in 2008.

Which state was bombed during the pearl hrbor attack?

Hawaii was not yet a US state when the Japanese attacked on Dec 7, 1941. Hawaii was a US Territory.

Did men of Hawaii serve in the Civil War?

Hawaii was not a state at the time of the Civil War. It was not technically a part of the United States yet, though the US had control of it.

Is Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep released in Hawaii yet?

Not yet.

What is the population of Hawaii in 2009?

About 1,290,000 estimated.

Are Hawaii Alaska and Arizona state quarters available yet?

No. New designs are released about every 10 weeks, in the order that the states joined the union.

Which country do the islands in Hawaii belong to?

Yes, Hawaii is a U.S. state. It was annexed as part of the Newlands Resolutions, and became the territory of Hawaii on June 15 1898. In March 1959, the Hawaii Admission Act, and was singed into law by president Dwight Eisenhower. On June 27 1959, a ballet referendum asked residents of Hawaii to vote on whether or not to accept statehood. The residents chose to accept, and Hawaii became a state on August 21, 1959.

How old is luigi and just luigi only?

Nintendo has not released Luigi's age yet, but I would guess that he is in his 30s or 40s.

Is Sirius satellite radio in Hawaii?

It's not available yet.

Is there are any Mongols in Hawaii?

A few members of the Mongols Motorcycle Club have been seen in Hawaii but they are not "officially" here yet.

Can you move to a different state and collect welfare?

My X is planning on moving from California to Hawaii with our son. He has primary custody. Our son has not finished Highschool yet. He is collecting child support here in California from me, and is on unemployment too. I believe he will move to Hawaii and try to collect welfare too. Can he move to Hawaii and collect welfare and get his child support amounts raised to Hawaii's current level? Thank You!