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The United States Military Academy at West Point had been graduating officers since the end of the Mexican War in 1848. The emphasis had remained on preparing its cadets for engineering, drilling techniques, and fortifications. The last war, being 13 years ago, had not improved on the strategies and tactics that were used by generals such as Winfield Scott. The war had been a short one and the opponent, led by Santa Anna, used the same approach to warfare as did Scott. Other than rehashing the tactics used in Napoleonic Era, and published by Henri Jomini, the US Military had made no progress or plans for engaging another enemy. Yes, certain West Point professors and graduates had produced military publications on fortifications and other military tactics, but not much beyond graduating good engineers had been the results. Between 1848 and 1861, no serious preparations had been made for fighting the "next war". In 1861, the only visible "enemy" were unsophisticated Native Tribes. And, to contain and relocate the American natives did not require anything more in terms of military strategy, than that of the most basic forms of fighting.Military theory was and remains an intellectually sophisticated and complex form of cultural expression. West Point did not advance in any manner to speak of, and unlike the warrior states of Europe, such as Prussia, military thinking in the US was stagnant. Each side in the US Civil War was unprepared to conduct a war against "themselves" in a manner of speaking. The generals and commanders of the Mexican War were now engaged in a war with former friends and classmates from West Point.

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Q: Why was the US military so unprepared to stop the Confederate rebellion in 1861?
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In what years was the US Civil War fought?

The Confederate rebellion began in April of 1861. The term rebellion is used because the US Supreme Court ruled that the war began in July of 1861 when President Lincoln asked Congress to authorize major funds and military volunteers to fight the rebellion that was now a war.The Confederacy recognized that they were in a state of war with the United States in May of 1861. For all practical purposes the war ended when General Lee surrendered his Army of Northern Virginia to General US Grant in April of 1865. Therefore, it's safe to say the US Civil War lasted about four years.

When did the US Civil War begin?

The events leading to the beginning of the US Civil War began on April 12, 1861. Confederate forces bombarded US Fort Sumter in the Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. The fort was forced to surrender. President Lincoln then called for 75,000 volunteers to end the Southern Rebellion. The US Supreme Court ruled that the conflict officially began in July 1861 when Lincoln called the US Congress together to authorize funds and supplies to end the rebellion. For the South the war began in May of 1861, when the Confederate congress recognized that a state of war existed between the Confederate States of America and the United States.

What military did Confederation have?

The Confederate States of America (the Confederacy) fielded both an army and a Navy. Their navy (CSN) was formed by the Confederate government on 21 Feb 1861, with the army (CSA) following in 28 Feb 1861. Stephan R Mallory was their Sect of the Navy, while Confederate President Jefferson Davis functioned as the Sect of the Army until he turned over command to Gen Robert E. Lee.

What were the Confederate States in the US Civil War?

The Confederate states were Texas, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas and Virgina made up the Confederate States of America.

List early confederate victories and when they occurred?

First Bull Run- 1861 Fort Sumter- 1861

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What were the origins of the Confederate Army of Tennessee?

The Confederate Army of Tennessee traced its origins back to the Spring and Summer of 1861. The governor of Tennessee, Isham G. Harris raised the provisional Army of Tennessee. It was transferred to the Confederate military service in July of 1861.

When was Robert e lee accepted into the US military academy?

1829-1861 for the US Army and the Confederate Army 1861-1865, sorry but i dont have the awnsers to when he joined the US military academy.

What were the 1861 confederate penny made of?

the 1861 Confederate penny was made of copper or nickel

Jefferson Davis?

an American statesman and politician who served as President of the Confederate States of America for its entire history from 1861 to 1865

Who was elected president of the confederate states in 1861?

Jefferson Davis was elected president of the confederate states in 1861

When was Confederate Powderworks created?

Confederate Powderworks was created in 1861.

What were the eleven states that rebelled against the union?

* South Carolina (December 20, 1860), * Mississippi (January 9, 1861) * Florida (January 10, 1861), * Alabama (January 11, 1861), * Georgia (January 19, 1861), * Louisiana (January 26, 1861), * Texas (February 1, 1861). * Virginia (April 17, 1861) * Arkansas (May 6, 1861), * North Carolina (May 20, 1861) * Tennessee (June 8, 1861).

What has the author Jack D Welsh written?

Jack D. Welsh has written: 'Medical Histories of Confederate Generals' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Confederate States of America, Confederate States of America. Army, Generals, History, Medical care, Medicine, Military, Military Medicine, United States Civil War, 1861-1865 'Two Confederate Hospitals and Their Patients'

Was the Confederate attorney general in favor of secession?

In the early part of the US Civil War, the attorney general for the Confederacy was Thomas Bragg. Prior to the secession, Bragg was never optimistic nor showed much enthusiasm for the rebellion. After the Confederate losses at forts Henry and Donalson, he regretted the rebellion.

When was the confederate constitution adopted?

The Confederate Constitution was enforced on March 11, 1861. The Confederacy also operated under a Provisional Constitution from February 8, 1861 to March 11, 1861.

When was Confederate Secret Service created?

Confederate Secret Service was created in 1861.

When was Confederate Civil Service created?

Confederate Civil Service was created in 1861.