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It was not the (expected) ruling against Scott's freedom that caused the controversy.

It was the reason given - that they claimed slavery was protected by the Constitution. If taken literally, this would invalidate all of the compromises between North and South, and make slavery legal in any state of the Union.

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The court decision stated that slaves were property. This had been thought, but not made into law.

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Q: Why was the US Supreme Court's ruling in the Dred Scott case controversial?
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What problems might result from the supreme courts ruling in the dred Scott case?

That all black people are banned from this country.

What problems might result from the supreme courts ruling in the dreds Scott case?

That all black people are banned from this country.

What was the Supreme Court's ruling in the Dred Scott v. Sandford case?

That Scott had no right to argue in court

What did the supreme court ruling the dred Scott case establish?

The ruling in the Dred Scott case allowed slave owners to take their slaves with them into the Western territories of the United States.

Where was the dred Scott case tried?

It was taken all the way to the Supreme Court, where the Chief Justice issued the controversial decision.

What was the supreme courts ruling in Dred Scott V. Sanford?

The Supreme Court ruled in the Dred Scott v. Sanford case that African Americans, whether free or enslaved, were not considered United States citizens and therefore could not file lawsuits in federal court. The court also declared the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional and asserted that Congress did not have the authority to prohibit slavery in U.S. territories.

What controversial US Supreme Court ruling held African Americans had no rights and that Congress could not prohibit slavery in the territories?

The verdict in the Dred Scott case - denying the right of a slave to claim his freedom retrospectively, after having lived on free soil but then returned to slave country.

What problems might result from the supreme court's ruling in the Dred Scott court?

That all black people are banned from this country.

What problems might result from the Supreme Court's ruling in the Dred Scott case?

That all black people are banned from this country.

What problems might result from the supreme court ruling in the dred Scott case?

That all black people are banned from this country.

What did the supreme. court rule in the dred Scott case?

The ruling in the Dred Scott case allowed slave owners to take their slaves with them into the Western territories of the United States.

The Supreme Court ruling in Dred Scott v Sandford 1857 helped to increase sectional conflict because the decision-?

The Supreme Court ruling in Dred Scott v. Sandford 1857 worsened sectional conflict by declaring that African Americans, whether enslaved or free, were not citizens and could not sue in the federal courts. This decision further entrenched divisions between the North and South over the issue of slavery and fed into the growing tensions that eventually led to the Civil War.