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It was called the Cradle of civilization in the world that was known to exist at that time but not beyond what was known by the people of that exclusive region alone. China, India, Africa and the Americas were not such familiar places to the people of the exclusive zone at that time in history. The Chinese, Indians etc knew their history and also knew that they too had their cradles of civilization. Science and History have yet to establish and record if there is any cradle of civilization at all.

Sanatna Dharma proclaims that life always existed and there never was creation of the world as recorded in The Bible. That knowledge is in conformity that atma always existed as is and is not subject to any change, and life is subject to karma.

The Bible theory is based on the understanding that the body, mind and the soul are basically rolled into one being and when a person dies that is the final end of life without any continuity or rebirth.

This significant difference may never be narrowed, but the Dharma version seems to be more in trune with my thoughts.

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Q: Why was the Tigris- Euphrates River Valley called Cradle of Civilization?
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