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Colonies are not discovered: they are founded, meaning they are established and settled. The Swan River Colony, which later became Western Australia, was founded to establish the British claim to the western half of the Australian continent. Great Britain was at war with France, and both countries were seeking to expand their empires. France had shown some interest in Australia, so Great Britain moved to ensure it staked its claim first.

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Q: Why was the Swan River colony discovered?
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When was Swan River Colony created?

The Swan River, in Western Australia, was discovered in 1697. Dutch captain Willem de Vlamingh named it the Swan River after the huge numbers of black swans he noted in the area.

Who was surveyor for the Swan River colony?

John Septimus Roe surveyed the Swan River colony.

When was A sketch of the vegetation of the Swan River Colony created?

A sketch of the vegetation of the Swan River Colony was created in 1839.

Where did the Swan River colony land in western Australia?

Colonies do not land. Colonies grow. The Swan River colony grew along the banks of the Swan River, on the southwestern coast of Australia.

Who was the first governor of Swan River?

The first governor of the Swan River colony, Western Australia, was James Stirling.

How did convicts contribute to the dvelopment to the swan river colony?

the convicts built a bridge

Who named the swan river?

The Swan river was named the Dutch sailor Willem de Vlamingh when he sailed along the coast of WA in 1697, He named it Swan River after the flocks of black swans in the area.

Is the Swan River a state or territory?

Neither. The Swan River is now just a river, and the main river which flows through Perth, capital of Western Australia, one of the states of Australia. "Swan River" used to be the term for the colony made up by the current cities of Fremantle and Perth.

What was the impact of the Swan River colony on the Aboriginal people?

The Aboriginals were forced into slavery and war.

When did the Swan River colony become Western Australia?

The territory of the Swan River colony was claimed for Britain on 2 May 1829, when Captain Fremantle raised the Union Jack on the south head.The actual colony of Western Australia was proclaimed on 18 June 1829, and two months later, Perth was also founded.

What were three early industries of the Swan River colony?

I dont know what the answer is! I asked you but this lousy site did not give me the answer!

How was the Swan River colony founded?

Perth was founded in 1829, and this is when it was called the Swan River settlement.In 1829, Captain Charles Fremantle was sent to take formal possession of the remainder of New Holland which had not already been claimed for Britain under the territory of New South Wales. On 2 May 1829, Captain Fremantle raised the Union Jack on the south head of the Swan River, thereby claiming the territory for Britain.On 1 June 1829, Western Australia's first civilian settlers, men, women and children, arrived in the Swan River Colony aboard the Parmelia.The colony of Western Australia (known as the Swan River colony) was proclaimed on 8 June 1829, and two months later, Perth was also founded.