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The Persians to only the west - what is today's Pakistan. They brought a veneer of Persian culture to the sub-continent.

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Q: Why was the Persian conquest so important for India's connections with other cultures?
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What did Alexander the Great's conquest of the Persian Empire resulted in?

Alexander the Great's conquest of the Persian Empire created an empire reaching from Egypt to India.

How did the Persian Empire expand territory?

By conquest.

What did the conquest of Alexander the great create?

the Persian Empire

Why was the death of darius and important to Alexander conquest of Persia?

It left the Persians with no legitimate king to unite opposition against his ongoing conquest of the Persian empire. He was then dealing with separate kingdoms and tribes.

Alexander's conquest of the Persian Empire?

In 334-324 BCE.

When did the conquest of Persian Empire take place?

Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire 334-327 BCE.

How did the Persian conquest set the stage for the emergence of the Mauryan empire?

The Persian conquest left the Asian subcontinent without a leadr. Therefore, it gave an oppertunity for Chandragupta Maurya to set up an empire.

How did the Persian transportation aid Alexander in his conquest?

he used the captured chariot

Who was given Asia Minor and most of the Persian Empire to rule.?

Asia Minor was part of the Persian Empire. Alexander the Great took the Persian Empire by military conquest.

Which cultures made up the Hellenistic Culture?

Greek, Egyptian, Persian and Indian according to our teacher

How did Persian troops help establish and maintain the Persian empire?

First by conquest, then by maintaining peace internally and providing protection externaliy.

What was one goal the Alexander the Great wanted to accomplish?

Conquest of the Persian Empire.