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We know of the Immortals from the writings of Herodotus. Herodotus described a unit of heavy infantry that numbered exactly 10,000 at all times. The name refers more to the unit than the individual soldiers, due to the policy of immediately replacing injured, ill, or deceased members to maintain the 10,000.

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Q: Why was the Persian army called the immortals?
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The Persian Empire had an army called the immortals, once one died, another occupied his space. Today mafia could be called the immortals for the same reason.

What was the Persian strong army of highly trained soldiers called?

ethierTriumphant Ones the Ten Thousand Immortals Warrior Troops the Medes

By the time of Darius the Persian kings had created?

A standing army known as the Immortals

What was at the heart of the Persian Army?

The 10,000 Immortals as its core, and, most importantly, the cavalry.

Did the Persian army have mostly only Persians?

Yes the Persian Army is composed majority of Persians, the immortals and the Archers. But there is also Mercenaries from Greece and the other citizens of their dominions.

What was the elite military force of the Persian Empire?

The "Immortals" (sometimes called "Ten Thousand Immortals" or "Persian Immortals") was the name given by Herodotus to an elite force of soldiers who fought for the Achaemenid Empire. This force performed the dual roles of both Imperial Guard and standing army during the Persian Empire's expansion period and during the Greco-Persian Wars. The force consisted mainly of Persians but also included Medes and Elamites.

Who were the Immortals in the Persian War?

10,000 elite Persian infantry.

What were the Immortals?

Hi,I guess you are you are referring to the Persian Immortals (the ones you can see in the movie 300).They were the elite fighting force of ancient Persia."The Achaemenid Persian Immortals, usually referred to as the Persian Immortals or The Immortals were an elite force of Persian soldiers who performed the dual roles of both Imperial Guard and standing army during the Achaemenid Empire's expansion and during the Greco-Persian Wars. Herodotus describes the Immortals as being heavy infantry led by Hydarnes that were kept constantly at a strength of exactly 10,000 men (also written as the "Ten Thousand Immortals") - every killed, seriously wounded or sick member was immediately replaced with a new one, maintaining the cohesion of the unit. [1] The regiment accepted only Median, Elamite or Persian applicants."Source:

Who were the most renowned of the Persian units?

In the Achaemenid Persian Empire, the highest ranked units were called the IMMORTALS and inspired an immense amount of fear in their adversaries.

Who were the immortals of the Persian war?

An elite force of Persian infantry numbering 10,000.

Is the Jewish influence still a force within the Mafia?

The mafia we know consist of young punks. The higher mafia, the one we don't see, could be from any country in the world. The Persian Empire had an army called the immortals, once one died, another occupied his space. Today mafia could be called the immortals for the same reason.