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Because it was made of aluminium, which is a much lighter metal that allows the whole thing to be airlifted using a mighty Bell UH-1.

Oh, and by the way. Viet Nam and WWII are different wars, so be careful with your category choices.

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The US Army was shying away from light tanks after the Korean War. But with the advent of the USSR's PT76 amphibious light tank, the US Army half-heartedly wanted to counter it...with it's own version (the M551 Sheridan). Although advertised as an "Armored AIRBORNE Reconnaissance Assault Vehicle" (notice the word amphibious is missing), the real goal of the US Army was to have a "swimming tank" (amphibious) due to the massive number of rivers located in Europe (in the event of the famed Fulda Gap invasion).

As it stood then, US tanks had to crawl along the bottoms of rivers and lakes using a snorkel for the engine and crews to breath. A swimming tank would remove those troublesome snorkel installations.

As stated above, the US Army "reluctantly" went ahead with the "light tank" program because the US Army was moving towards the MBT (Main Battle Tank) and away from light, medium, and heavy tank classifications. One of the consequences of that administrative move was the categorization of the new war machine itself: it was a "Armored Airborne Reconnaissance Assault Vehicle" and NOT a light tank. The US Army has traditionally not favored light tanks...for one reason or another, preferring medium/heavy tanks. Therefore the Sheridan was nearly doomed before it went into production; until the Vietnam War and it's new ARMOR commander, GEN Abrams entered the scene. Abrams, being a tanker (from WWII) had his input during the production of the Sheridan (the aluminum tank) and it was built in about 1966/67. As commander of US forces in Vietnam in 1969, he ordered the Sheridan sent to Vietnam immediately for combat arrived in January 1969.

Abrams believed that the marshy terrain of South Vietnam would be more practicable for light armor (light tanks) than it would be for heavy armor (Patton tanks). He was correct, although the 52 ton Pattons worked just fine in Vietnam.

The Sheridans had steel turrets and 152mm cannons (main guns) but had aluminum hulls, other than burning up when hit (nearly 200 were destroyed in Vietnam), they were pretty hot little machines.

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Q: Why was the M551 Sheridan called the aluminum tank in Vietnam?
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What size cannon did the M551 Sheridan use in the Vietnam War?

The Sheridan fired a 152mm main gun (6 inch gun). It was one of the most unique guns (cannons) in US military history; it fired a fixed combustible cartridge. Similiar to artillery in WWII & Vietnam, with the projo (short for projectile) rammed into the breech with a powder charge rammed in behind it, then a primer emplaced into the breech block. With one big difference, unlike the artillery piece which loaded as aforementioned, the Sheridan tank's shell was "fixed", meaning already assembled. Once fired, as with the field gun (artillery), when the breech was opened...nothing was in the gun (breech)...but smoke. Today's M1 Abrams MBT (Main Battle Tank) fires a similar round to that of the old Vietnam era Sheridan tank, however, unlike the M551, the Abram's ejects a back cap; the Sheridan ejected nothing.

How fast did the tanks go in World War 1?

During the Vietnam War, the US Army/Marine Corps M48 Patton tanks could travel about 20 mph. The brand new M551 Sheridan tank (which landed in Vietnam in 1969) could hit 45 mph. The Sheridan's hull was built of aluminum; it's turret & main gun were constructed of steel.

Whatn was the life expectincy of a US soldier in the Vietnam war?

Depended upon the job. A US Airman flying bombing missions over North Vietnam might last one mission. A US Sheridan Tank crewman might last two weeks (the M551 Sheridan had an aluminum hull with a steel turret, and fired 152mm caseless ammunition; one hit from either an RPG or land mine...almost instantly caused destruction). A company clerk working in a large base camp, will most likely last his whole tour, 12 months.

How much do tanks weigh in tons?

Vietnam War era: 1. US Army M48A3 Patton medium tank: 52 tons 2. US Army M551 Sheridan tank (Armored Airborne Reconnaissance Assault Vehicle): 17 tons. 3. Australian Centurion medium tank: 50 tons

What does cavalry?

In the Vietnam War, US Armored Cavalry (M551 Sheridans and M113 ACAVs) conducted screening, security, and reconnaissance.

Related questions

Is Sheridan he or she?

The M551 Sheridan aluminum tanks used in Vietnam were called she's; but the Sheridan tank itself was named after a "he." General Sheridan, US Army, War of the Rebellion (Civil War).

Where is Sheridan?

The M551 Sheridan aluminum tanks were largely retired after the Vietnam War. A few remained in service in Abn units and training areas.

How are army tanks transported?

Ships, flat bed trucks, and trains. Light tanks such as the Vietnam era M551 Sheridan (built of aluminum) could be transported by air.

Is aluminum used in military tanks?

The M551 Sheridan had an aluminum hull, but almost all tanks have had steel hulls.

What new machines were armed with the machine gun?

Both the M113 APC (used as an ACAV in Vietnam) and the M551 Sheridan tank (Airborne Armored Assault Reconnaissance Vehicle) were both new in Vietnam; 1962 and 1969 respectively. Both were constructed of aluminum (the Sheridan's turret & 152mm main gun were steel) and both were equipped with Browning .50 caliber machineguns.

How much gas does an army tank hold?

Vietnam War tanks such as the M48 Patton and M551 Sheridan tanks had roughly 300 gallon fuel tanks.

Did Sheridan tanks in Vietnam have diesel or gas engines?

The M551 Sheridan was mostly constructed of aluminum, with the turret and 152mm main gun being built of steel. It was the US Army's only amphibious tank (although advertised as an "Airborne" tank) and utilized a V-6 diesel engine. All, minus the tank companies within the 11th ACR in Vietnam, US Armored Cavalry Squadrons in the Vietnam War were equipped with the Sheridan light tank (officially designated as the Armored Airborne Reconnaissance Assault Vehicle during the Vietnam War).

What is military tank's armor made from?

The Vietnam War M48 Patton medium gun tank and M551 Sheridan tanks (turret only) were of one piece cast & welded steel; not riveted. The Sheridan's hull was all aluminum, as it was the only US tank (officially designated the armored airborne reconnaissance assault vehicle) that could swim.

How heavy is an army tank?

During the Vietnam War a US M48 Patton tank weighed about 52 tons and the M551 Sheridan weighed roughly 17 tons.

How fast were the tanks in Vietnam war?

20 to 25 mph seemed to be the top speed for an Army M48A3 Patton tank. The new M551 Sheridan tank seemed to roll at about 30+ mph. The Sheridan entered the US Army inventory in about 1968 and was fielded immediately in Vietnam in January 1969. Both diesel engines; but the Patton was constructed of ALL STEEL; while the Sheridan's hull was ALL ALUMINUM (but the turret and gun tube was steel). The Australian Centurion tank was comparable to the Patton in speed.

How much do tanks weigh?

The Vietnam era US Army M48 Patton tank weighed about 52 tons combat loaded. The Army's M551 Sheridan tank in Vietnam weighed about 17 tons. The Australian Centurion tank in Vietnam was about 50 tons.

What were the army tanks made of?

Up until the Vietnam War, US tanks were built from steel. With the one exception of the M551 Sheridan light tank (17 tons); which was officially designated as the Armored Airborne Reconnaissance Assault Vehicle and first fielded in January 1969 directly into the Vietnam War. The Sheridan had an aluminum hull with a steel turret and 152mm main gun. It was the only US tank that could swim and was air transportable. The M551 also fired a caseless tank round, no empty shell casing ejected from the breech after firing, as they did in the M48 Patton tanks after firing. After Vietnam, the M1 Abrams MBT (Main Battle tank) entered service in about 1983. The Abrams (named after the last US commander in Vietnam, General Creighton Abrams) is constructed from classified man made materials similar to the Kevlor helmet and protective body armor worn by current troops; as well as other metals. The M1 also fires a semi-caseless tank shell, not as caseless as the Sheridan did, as a metal cap ejects from the breech after firing in the M1.