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Any conflict between the superpowers had the potential to become a nuclear war.

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13y ago

The Cuban Missile Crisis was the closest that the US and the USSR ever got to a full nuclear war. It caused great tension in the world since both nations would use nuclear weapons and kill a lot of people.

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13y ago

its because of the start of nuclear war & that the Cubans were close to actually shooting missiles. this made it really dangerous and frightening.

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12y ago

The Cubans came close to shooting missles at the United States major cities and starting nuclear war.

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11y ago

Because President Kennedy had officially anounced that Soviet Nuclear Missiles had been placed on Cuba pointing directly at the USA.

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11y ago

Isn't it obvious? People were scared because people fear death.

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Q: Why was the Cuban Missile Crisis so frightening?
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What were the short term effects of the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Yes there is pen-is but not Denis. So the answer is okay.

Why were the people kicked out of Cuba by Castro during the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Cuba did not have the prisons necessary to house his unwanted people; so he let them go elsewhere.

Which president dealt with the Cuban Missile Crisis?

John F. Kennedy won the 1960 election with the help of his promise to deal with the "Cuba problem." He ended up initiating the blockade that still exists today. He also had to deal with the missile crisis and ended up making a deal with the Soviet Union so they would disarm Cuba.

Are the Bay of Pigs Invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis the same thing?

The Bay of Pigs Invasion (known as La Batalla de Girón, or Playa Girón in Cuba), was an unsuccessful attempt by a CIA-trained force of Cuban exiles to invade southern Cuba with support from US government armed forces, to overthrow the Cuban government of Fidel Castro. The Invasion was launched April 17, 1961. (Wikipedia) The Cuban Missile Crisis was a confrontation between the United States, the Soviet Union, and Cuba in October 1962, during the Cold War. It was an effort of the United states to prevent Russia from delivering missiles to Cuba, which would be a direct threat to the national security of the United States.

What contributed to the end of the Cuban missile crisis?

The Cuban missile crisis came to and end because Kennedy and Khrushchev made an agreement. In the agreement it stated that if Kennedy were to remove its naval blockade around Cuba and if it removes its missile bases in Turkey, Khrushchev would remove his missile bases from Cuba.

Related questions

Which was first the Cuban missile crisis or the man to walk on the moon?

The Cuban Missle Crisis was in 1962, Neil Armstrong walked on the moon in 1969. So the Cuban Missle Crisis was first.

What was so concerning about the Cuban missile crisis?

All of the cubans had dirty sanchezs, and hairy stinkholes! (they did not shower regularly)

What were the short term effects of the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Yes there is pen-is but not Denis. So the answer is okay.

Why did the Cuban missiles happen?

The so-called Cuban missile crisis happened when Russia engaged in putting its nuclear missile launchers on Cuban soil. The US put a naval blockade around Cuba and threatened war. The Russians Agreed not to continue with their plans. but not until the US dismantled its own Nuclear missile launchers that were aimed at Russian targets in south Asia.

Why were the people kicked out of Cuba by Castro during the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Cuba did not have the prisons necessary to house his unwanted people; so he let them go elsewhere.

Explain why cuba became a crisis spot during the cold war?

Cuba in the Cold WarFollowing a revolution in 1959 Cuba adopted Communism, being the only state in the Americas to have a do so, or at least to have a Communist government that lasted. (In fact, it's still in office in 2006). An attempted invasion from the US ('Bay of Pigs' [and no it was not a bay full of floating pigs :^P]) was a fiasco and in 1962 Khrushchev tried to station long-range missiles on the island. This attempt led to the 'Cuban missile crisis' of 1962. When this began, the U.S. sent Fidel Castro a letter stating that the U.S. will remove their missiles from Turkey if Cuba remove theirs. Castro agreed to this and did so, marking an end to the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Which president dealt with the Cuban Missile Crisis?

John F. Kennedy won the 1960 election with the help of his promise to deal with the "Cuba problem." He ended up initiating the blockade that still exists today. He also had to deal with the missile crisis and ended up making a deal with the Soviet Union so they would disarm Cuba.

Are the Bay of Pigs Invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis the same thing?

The Bay of Pigs Invasion (known as La Batalla de Girón, or Playa Girón in Cuba), was an unsuccessful attempt by a CIA-trained force of Cuban exiles to invade southern Cuba with support from US government armed forces, to overthrow the Cuban government of Fidel Castro. The Invasion was launched April 17, 1961. (Wikipedia) The Cuban Missile Crisis was a confrontation between the United States, the Soviet Union, and Cuba in October 1962, during the Cold War. It was an effort of the United states to prevent Russia from delivering missiles to Cuba, which would be a direct threat to the national security of the United States.

Why did US want Fidel Castro out of power?

Because of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. Castro wanted to start nuclear war because he believed that the US would nuke him first. So Fidel wrote a letter to Nikita Sergeyevich Krushchev that basically said that if there was going to be a nuclear war, Russia should launch their missiles first. Luckily Krushchev didnt agree with him (that was the Cuban Missile crisis), and everyone thought he was insane for wanting to start nuclear war.

Why isn't the US allowed to travel to Cuba?

Well, I'm sure there is some way you can get to Cuba legally, but the main reason it is so hard is because of the Cuban Missile crisis, we aren't exactly on good terms with the Cubans.

What contributed to the end of the Cuban missile crisis?

The Cuban missile crisis came to and end because Kennedy and Khrushchev made an agreement. In the agreement it stated that if Kennedy were to remove its naval blockade around Cuba and if it removes its missile bases in Turkey, Khrushchev would remove his missile bases from Cuba.

What did Cubans lose during the Cuban Missile Crisis?

They did not lose anything. Nor did the Cubans or the Soviet Union. They all had to work the crisis out and prevent a nuclear war. They all suceeded. Media often lies about this and says USA did sort it out alone, so i sugest you ignore media "info"