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It was a physically large and beautiful city as well as a nearly impregnable city, which made its conquest a show of power and strength. It was also the center of Orthodox Christianity, so taking it implied that Islam was ascendant over Christianity.

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It remained the powerful seat of Khalifate for many years.

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Q: Why was the Constantinople a powerful symbol for Muslims?
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What group created the most powerful empire the Magyars the Vikings or the Muslims?

The Muslims

What important mathematical symbol did Muslims name?


Why might that split have weakened the Rome empire?

Because the Muslims invaded Constantinople so they took over. Your welcome hope that this was helpful.

Why were the Muslims unable to conquer Constantinople?

There were several attempts by Muslim armies to conquer Constantinople before Ottoman Muslim Sultan Mehmet II el-Fatih (the Conqueror) overran the city's defenses in 1453. The Muslims were unable to conquer Constantinople in those attacks because of how well the city is fortified. The Old City of Constantinople is on a small peninsula and the city walls went right up to the water. This meant that no siege weaponry could be used on three sides of the city. Correspondingly, the only land-border of the city was extremely well-fortified and developed. Additionally, since the land border was west-facing, it would require the Muslims, who were generally coming from the east, to move around the city's north or south face and given the defenders of the city enough time to prepare an effective defense.

What is the modern name for Constantinople?

The ancient city of Constantinople has morphed into Istanbul.The ancient city of Constantinople has morphed into Istanbul.The ancient city of Constantinople has morphed into Istanbul.The ancient city of Constantinople has morphed into Istanbul.The ancient city of Constantinople has morphed into Istanbul.The ancient city of Constantinople has morphed into Istanbul.The ancient city of Constantinople has morphed into Istanbul.The ancient city of Constantinople has morphed into Istanbul.The ancient city of Constantinople has morphed into Istanbul.

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What did the Muslims do during the 4th crusade?

looted constantinople

What important christian city fell to the Muslims in 1453?


Who were the first Muslims to take over the city of Constantinople?

The Ottoman Turks

What group created the most powerful empire the Magyars the Vikings or the Muslims?

The Muslims

Why did prices on eastern goods after the Muslims captured Constantinople in1453?

i don’t have any clue

What is good luck symbol symbol for Muslims?

Muslims don't have good luck symbol. They don't believe in bad and good luck. they believe that whatever happens to humans, bad or good, is a consequence of

What is the Muslims relgious symbol?

no religious symbols in islam.

What important mathematical symbol did Muslims name?


How did the crusades affect the Muslims?

The Crusades brought about widespread death, destruction, and displacement among the Muslim communities in the Middle East. They also fueled animosity and distrust between Muslims and Christians that still reverberates in some regions today. Additionally, the Crusades led to the rise of Muslim military leaders and resistance movements to defend against the invading European forces.

How do you draw the Muslims symbol?

There is no Muslim symbol per religion. Refer to question below for more information.

Do Muslims have a religious symbol?

no, they don't have. see question below

What do Muslims call this symbol?

we dont have a symbol its not suppose to symbolize anything . but we have a sign that are on some of our mosques it is a crescent with a star.