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The battle of the bulge underscored the NAZI'S inability to create the economic base necessary to successfully wage a conflict with the world. It followed two other major failures; the first being the conquest of Britain required to deny American access to Europe; the second was their failure to understand the need for the Africa Corp to link with the Wehrmacht's "Operation Barbarossa" These major events underscored the Nazis lack of the strategic understanding necessary for world conquest in the 20th century.

The Battle of the Bulge was not "the beginning of Germany's downfall". Germany was already well losing the war by that point. Their armies were being constantly driven back by the Soviets, and in the west, they had just lost France. The beginning of the downfall of Germany is more accurately placed at the invasion of Russia in 1941.

However, the Battle of the Bulge was Germany's "last gasp". it was the last time Germany really make a significant attack against the Allies. Hitler had hoped that a major, successful counterattack would force the Allies to make peace. While the operation was initially pretty successful, it failed in the end, and Germany officially lost the war about five months later.

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Q: Why was the Battle of the Bulge the beginning of Germany's downfall?
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How did the battle of the bulge signal the beginning of the end of of world war 2 in Europe?


How did the battle of the bulge signal signal the beginning of the end of World War 2 in Europe?

The Battle of the Bulge was not among a series of steps to the ultimate downfall of the Third Reich. The loss of the 6th Army at Stalingrad was the arguable first signal. The Battle of Bulge was a last stand of sort on the Western Front for a German Army starved of supply and most importantly oil. The Battle of the Bulge was a German counter attack. It was their last hope in the West to stop the advance of American and British forces. The breaking of the German stand allowed for the Allied armies to enter the German motherland from the West, ultimately surrounded them on both sides (with the Soviets closing to the east).

How did the battle of bulge signal the beginning of the end of the war world 2 in Europe?

The Battle of the Bulge was not among a series of steps to the ultimate downfall of the Third Reich. The loss of the 6th Army at Stalingrad was the arguable first signal. The Battle of Bulge was a last stand of sort on the Western Front for a German Army starved of supply and most importantly oil. The Battle of the Bulge was a German counter attack. It was their last hope in the West to stop the advance of American and British forces. The breaking of the German stand allowed for the Allied armies to enter the German motherland from the West, ultimately surrounded them on both sides (with the Soviets closing to the east).

How did the battle of bulge signal the beginning of the end of world war 2 in Europe?

The Battle of the Bulge was not among a series of steps to the ultimate downfall of the Third Reich. The loss of the 6th Army at Stalingrad was the arguable first signal. The Battle of Bulge was a last stand of sort on the Western Front for a German Army starved of supply and most importantly oil. The Battle of the Bulge was a German counter attack. It was their last hope in the West to stop the advance of American and British forces. The breaking of the German stand allowed for the Allied armies to enter the German motherland from the West, ultimately surrounded them on both sides (with the Soviets closing to the east).

How did the battle of bulge signal the beginning of the end of war world 2 in Europe?

The Battle of the Bulge was not among a series of steps to the ultimate downfall of the Third Reich. The loss of the 6th Army at Stalingrad was the arguable first signal. The Battle of Bulge was a last stand of sort on the Western Front for a German Army starved of supply and most importantly oil. The Battle of the Bulge was a German counter attack. It was their last hope in the West to stop the advance of American and British forces. The breaking of the German stand allowed for the Allied armies to enter the German motherland from the West, ultimately surrounded them on both sides (with the Soviets closing to the east).

What battle marked final German offensive?

Battle of the Bulge

Was the battle of the bulge one battle or more than one battle?

The battle of the bulge was just 1 battle but their was several operations during the battl of the bulge

How many soldiers were in the battle of the bulge?

856,525 Allied soldiers fought in the Battle of the Bulge and the axis had 496,363 soldiers in the battle of the Bulge

How the did the battle of the bulge signal the beginning of the end of world war 2?

It was the battle of Stalingrad that signaled the demise of the German empire, the battle of the bulge was the last great offensive Germany planned to stop the lightning advance on the German homeland after several military defeats on the eastern front.

Which battle in World War 2 marked the German final offensive?

Battle of the Bulge

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What is the duration of Battle of the Bulge film?

The duration of Battle of the Bulge - film - is 2.78 hours.