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Q: Why was steerage so significant for so many immigrants?
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What happened to immigrants from Europe who traveled to American in steerage?

Immigrants were out in steerage because they could not afford first class or second. only the snotty rich people could. so that stunk for the poor.

Did immigrants bring their animals on the boat?

No. Usually they were locked into the lowest point in a ship in steerage and were allowed one bag each. Animals would have created a big mess and health problems. I know in the movie Titanic the immigrants were shown leaving steerage, but in the real world they were locked in. That is one reason so many died when the ship sank. They couldn't get out.

Where did third class eat on titanic?

Third class ate in the General Room, which was the heart of the Steerage, or Third Class. There was also a smoke room for each class, so the Steerage smoke room was where the steerage class went to have a puff.

Why did so many immigrants move to America?

Immigrants chose to move to colonial America for better opportunities. Many other immigrants chose to move to America for religious freedom.

Why was steerage considered the worst accommodations on ships traveling from Europe to America?

The people in steerage were at the bottom of the ship and below water level. There were no windows, no rooms, and very little of anything else. The ships in the 1900's divided decks according to classes of people. The decks were separated with locked gates and the upper deck people who paid the most for passage never met or saw the people on the other decks. The immigrants below were locked in so they couldn't have access to the upper decks. They were considered the poorest dirtiest people on the ship so we're sold the worse accommodations.

What clothes did steerage wear?

Steerage was where third class people rode generally. So clothes that showed of their lack of money, even poverty. Depends what era. Basically, the clothes of the lower class in whatever particular era.

Why has the US been called the nation of immigrants?

Because we are a free country and many people want to live a free life. So, these people are immigrants because they move from their home country to another. That is why there is so many different cultures and so many people from differentbackgrounds That is what makes the US so special and that is what makes everyone of us unique.

What was the main reason the titanic death toll was so high?

There were 3 economic levels on the Titanic. The very top of the ship were cabins and a deck only for wealthy passengers. People like Rockefeller were on the upper deck. The center deck was for people of more modest means, and they didn't mix with the upper deck passengers. At the lowest level of the ship was steerage. This was below the waterline and it was for poor people and immigrants. They were locked in and couldn't leave steerage. When the ship hit the iceberg and began to take on water the people in steerage couldn't escape because the doors that would allow them to the other decks was locked. They died and were the majority of the deaths. That is why the death toll was so high.

Why was steerage considered th worst accommodations on ships traveling to Europe to America?

The steerage accommodations on ships were traditionally the cheapest accommodations available. Third class passengers (and some times second-class) were considered steerage. The rooms were usually below deck, rooms were usually shared, as well as toilets, so there was very limited privacy, and poor food.

Why was steerage considered the worst accommodations on ships from Europe to America?

The people in steerage were at the bottom of the ship and below water level. There were no windows, no rooms, and very little of anything else. The ships in the 1900's divided decks according to classes of people. The decks were separated with locked gates and the upper deck people who paid the most for passage never met or saw the people on the other decks. The immigrants below were locked in so they couldn't have access to the upper decks. They were considered the poorest dirtiest people on the ship so we're sold the worse accommodations.

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All the digits are significant, so there are 5 significant digits.

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The significant figures in 0.000042500 are: 0.0000425. So, there are 8 significant figures.