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Because he was a famous explorer he concored a lot of places and indians.

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Q: Why was sir francis drakes discovery so important to the world?
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What was sir Francis drakes sponsor?

Elizabeth I sponsored his voyage around the world.

What about sir Francis drakes arrival?

he was the first England person to sail around the world

What was the expected outcome for sir Francis drakes voyage around the world?

to take over young money

What was sir francis drakes major accomplishment?

sir Frances drake had traveled all around the world

What were Francis Drakes accomplishments?

sir Francis drake was the first English man to sail around the world on of the major accomplishment were he defeated the Spanish armada

What was the name of Sir Francis Drakes at the end of the trip around the world?

Captain Francis Drake became a "Sir". because he became maurderer. So yaeh that's pretty much it!!! :D

What was Francis Drake's Exploration?

Sir Francis drakes exploration was to find the north west passage if it existed which is a way to go all around the world by water, also to sink Spanish ship's he really hated Spain.

Where in the world did Darwin His first important discovery.?

Charles Darwin made his first important discovery in Argentina.

What is Sir Francis Drakes legacy?

was to make it all around the world and to be the first to explore everything before it was to late, now everyone knows all the globe because of his dicoveries.

How did Sir Francis Drakes exploration affect European's knowledge of the world?

Sir Francis Drake's circumnavigation of the world expanded Europe's knowledge of the west coast of Africa and America. Although Magellan circumnavigated the world before him, he took a different route that went up the coast of Africa and America and explored more land.

What was the most important discovery in the world?

theoretical physicist

Did francis drakes explloration obtain his wealth create maps or set world records?

No to all. He did discover San Francisco Bay and did stop Spanish ships for the English crown and take their cargo.