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Silk was discovered around 30 BC in Ancient China. They made it from silkworm cocoons by unwinding them and then weaving them into clothes. They usually made the traditional robe that was popular for daily wear at that time, and the robe is now more commonly ceremonial dress attire. They put beautiful designs of nature or scenery on the robes. People all around the world became interested in the material that was (and still is) a one-of-a-kind material. The Roman women were especially interested, and would trade the weight of silk for the same weight in gold. It still is the most valuable product from China.

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12y ago

Silk was important in ancient China because it was the most important Chinese export in the middle ages. It was sent to west along the silk road, which stretched for 6,400 KM all the way to Europe. Silk making had been taking place in China for about 3,000 years.

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Because then people could make clothes. I'm not sure. My friend Matthew Ballow told me.

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Silk was important because they were able to trade it for many things such as spices horses and minerals.

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What was its important for silk in ancient china?

because only the chinese did know how to do silk.

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The Silk Road stretched from China to?

The Silk Road, stretched from China to Xion. ps. Silk Road was built in ancient times/ancient China. Good luck

Who used silk?

the silk weaver . and she from ancient china

Was trading important to ancient China?

The Silk Road took silk from China into ancient Europe. The Roman Empire had trade links with China, and the rich Roman citizens often wore silk garments.

Why was silk trade famous in ancient China?

Silk trade was famous in ancient China because back then, only China knew how to make silk, and anything rare is usually worth a lot. China kept silk-making a secret from the rest of the world.

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The most highly prized fabric in China was silk.

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Silk was discovered in ancient China around 300 BC.

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The Silk Road was used to trade in Ancient China

What kind of clothing did Kings wear in ancient China?

the wealthy people in ancient china wore silk

What do ancient China women made?

they make silk of silk worm cocoons which silk worm are larvae

What was the origin of silk?

The bum of the silk worm. It emits a thread that people in ancient China discovered you could weave into cloth.