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He never lived to see the cold war.

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Q: Why was roosevelt important during the cold war?
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Who were the Leaders during the cold war?

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was in charge of America during the Cold War.

Who were the US leaders during the cold war?

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was in charge of America during the Cold War.

Why was Franklin D. Roosevelt important during the war?

Franklin Roosevelt was important during the war because he sent troops to attack and start world war II after Pearl Harbour attack I think that Franklin Roosevelt was important during the war because he sent troops to fight.

Why was Berlin important during the cold war?

cause it was

What is Vladimir Lenin important role during the cold war?

Lenin didn't do anything during the cold war. The Cold War started after WWII and Lenin died before that in 1924.

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What important events happened during the Cold War between 1952 to 1953?

The Korean war

Was Canada an important ally to the US during the Cold War?

Yes ma'an

Why was joesph Stalin an important person during the cold war?

He was important because he was the leader of Soviet Russia

What did Franklin D. Roosevelt have to do with the cold war?

FDR died before the first A-bomb was detonated. The A-Bomb created the cold war. FDR had nothing to do with the cold war.

What important leader died during World War 2?

Numerous leaders died during WW2. The important ones would be Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler and Franklin Roosevelt.

Which US President was associated with the Spanish American War?

William McKinley was the US President during that war and Theodore Roosevelt served during that war.