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Q: Why was preventing the spread of communism in Vietnam so important tp the United States?
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Where did the United States want to stop the spred of communism?


Why did US invade Vietnam?

The United States never 'occupied' Vietnam. It was invited to send troops to support the government of South Vietnam in its attempts to deal with North Vietnamese aggression.

Why did the United states protect south Vietnam?

The United States hoped to stop the spread of communism in Asia

What was the name of the Vietnamese group who were supported by American troops?

I think the answer you want may be ARVN (Army of the Republic of Vietnam). It is pronounced and sometimes spelled as "Arvin."

What is the difference between Russian communism and Vietnamese communism?

Russian Communism (the Soviet Union) is a Traditional Communist State and Vietnamese Communism (People's Republic of Vietnam) is a Leninist Communist State.Traditional Communist States: Traditional Communism requires an autocratic government ruled by the Communist Party, but primarily guided by individual politicians. The government is required to collectivize private property and redistribute wealth. Stalin's Soviet Union and Cuba are often seen as examples of traditional communism.Leninist Communist States: China and Vietnam are Leninist Communist States. Leninist Communism is the political theory that a single party called the Communist Party rules the government and governs all affairs as opposed to individual politicians. Although the single party in a Leninist Communist State is the the Communist Party, the party need not practice Communist political theory. In both China and Vietnam, there is a state-directed, right-wing economic and political theory.

Related questions

Why did the us get involved in the vietnam war-?

The United States did get involved in the Vietnam war because of communism in Vietnam.

Why did the United States become involved in vietnam-?

The United States became involved in Vietnam because they wanted to stop communism from happening in that part of Asia.

Where did the United States want to stop the spred of communism?


Who was the unites states main goal in Vietnam?

The end communism in the country.

Why did united States become involved in Vietnam?

To stop the spread of communism:))

Why did president Johnson think it was important to win in Vietnam?

The philosophy of the time was containment of the spread of communism and this meant that Southeast Asia was important in that calculation. In reading about JFK he had planned to get the United States out of Vietnam, but he was killed too soon and changed history.

Why did the united States support South Vietnam rather than North Vietnam after the French left?

The United States wanted to prevent communism from spreading.

Why did the Unites States support South Vietnam rather than North Vietnam after the French left?

The United States wanted to prevent communism from spreading.

Why did president Johnson believe it was important to win in Vietnam?

During the Cold War, many believed that limiting the spread of Communism was necessary for the security of the United States and its allies.

The United states gave military aid to what to fight against communism in Vietnam in the 1950?


Why did the Vietnam War start?

The Vietnam War started as part of the Cold War; communism vs. democracy. The United States feared the spread of Communism from the Soviet Union. And corrupt politicians in Vietnam used this fear to justify their desire to keep the wealth of Vietnam for themselves.

Why did the United Stated try to limit North Vietnam's power after it won its independence from France?

The United States supported the resistance to communism.