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Truman did not want to give cause for World War 3 with China.

He was afraid that the Soviet Union might come to China's aid.

The situation could have escalated into a planet- wrecking Nuclear conflict. MacArthur favored expanding the war to China, and may have made remarks about bombing (either conventional or tactical nukes) the China Wall, this may explain his removal by President Truman. It should be noted the popular phrase ( Mac Arthur"s Bombers) aside- this was even an amusement park ride at one time- MacArthur was a Ground Army general, not an airman- unlike, say Curtis E. Lemay of SAC, or Hap Arnold in World War II, both AF officers.

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Kaylin Heller

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2y ago
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One reason President Truman was against declaring war on China during the Korean War was because he was afraid that the Soviet Union might side with China. He thought it might cause the start of World War 3.

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