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He was a bad king because he didn't care about the 'magna carta' and he ruled the country in a bad way.

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Q: Why was john the first a bad king?
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Was king john bad or good king?

There's no consensus on whether King John was a good king. Many consider him to have been a bad ruler, but others think he was effective. Regardless of the presence of dissenting opinions, he tends to be portrayed negatively in the media.

What do the modern historians think of King John?

People in the Victorian times disliked King John and saw him as a failure and a villain. They thought he created his own problems and was cruel and a wicked king; the Devil in disguise.

Why did king john react bad in signing the magna carta?

King John reacted poorly to the signing of the Magna Carta since it limited his powers as a king and made him adhere to a Parliament