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Q: Why was jhon handcock the only one to sighn the decloration of independence on July 4th?
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What day was the decloration of independence?

The 4th July in America

What day was the decloration of independence signed?

July 4, 1776

When did the decloration of independence was signed?

july 4, 1776. Thats why we celebrate independence day!!

Who declared the decloration of independence on July 4th 1776?

the Second Continental Congress

When was the decloration of independence signd?

July 4, 1776. Declaration of Independence.

Why was the Decloration of Independence written on July fourth?

It was not written on the 4th of July. It was read to the public on that date. It was not planned for any specific day, it just happened to fall on the 4th.

Was George Washington involved in writing the decloration of independence?

no, he was not. Washington had the declaration of independence read to his troops in new York city on july 9.

What actions revealed that the 1st Continental Congress was preparing for war?

The declaration of independence.....that's all I can think of

What was the first word in the Decloration of Independence?

In -- "In Congress, July 4th 1776" Alternatively you could say When "When in the course..." if you do not count the dating line at the top.

What year did the colonists adopt the Declaration of Independence?

july 4,1775 and john hancook put is name on first and wrote his name big so the king could read it without his glasses.thomas jefferson wrote the decloration of independence

When did they write the Decloration of Indepence?

July 4, 1776

What year was the signing of the decloration of idependance?

july 4 1776