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Q: Why was it logical for Bulgaria to side with the Central Powers?
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Which side did Turkey fight on in World War 1?

The Central Powers, which was the WWI name used for Germany and Austro-Hungary.

Which group of nations formed central powers?

In World war 1 the central powers were Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman empire. Italy was initially part of that alliance ("triple alliance") but because it switched side to the Entente, in order to conquer some territory from Austria.

Who is fighting against whom in world war 1?

the central powers vs alliesalso as to be the 28 nations including Britain,France,russia,Italy,united states,Germany,austria-Hungary,the ottama empire, Bulgaria and turkeyOn one side, the Triple Alliance, you had Imperial Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire. Later on, Bulgaria joined the Triple Alliance.On the other side, the Triple Entente, you had the British Empire, the French, and Imperial Russia. Serbia was also on the side of the Triple Entente. Other nations were involved as well: Belgium, Italy, Japan and eventually the U.S.

Write a paragraph summarizing the causes of ww1 and identifying the two sides using the words central powers and allies?

The Triple Alliance were Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy The Triple Entente were France, Russia and Great Britain Those were both 'alliances' or treaties. The Central Powers were the Germany and Austria-Hungary side of the combatants. Note that Italy initially reneged on the their treaty and then ultimately joined the other side. The Central Powers also included those other powers that join, i.e. Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire. The Allies consisted of the 'other' side - i.e. France, Britain (and 'Commonwealth), Russia, Italy, Serbia, Belgium, Rumania and the USA.

Which side were the Ottoman Empire and japan on in world war 1?

The Ottoman Empire was on the side of the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire). Japan was on the side of the Allies (France, England, Russia, Serbia, Montenegro, Belgium, Italy, Romania, the United States, Japan, Portugal, Brazil, and Greece).

Related questions

Was Bulgaria involved in world war 1?

Yes, on the side of the central powers.

Which side did Turkey fight on in World War 1?

The Central Powers, which was the WWI name used for Germany and Austro-Hungary.

What country fought on the side of Germany in world war 1?

The Central Powers in World War I were Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire.

Who were the nations in the central powers?

In World War 1 the central powers were Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman empire. Italy was initially part of that alliance ("triple alliance") but switched side to the Entente, in order to conquer some territory from Austria.

When World War 1 began which countries were on the central powers side and which ones were on the allies side?

The Central Powers in WWI consisted of Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, the German Empire and the Ottoman Empire.The Entente, Triple Entente or Allied Powers had as their major members the Russian Empire, France, Italy, and the British Empire. The US joined the Alliesin 1917.

Who did the German ally with in World War 1?

Germany was on the side of the Central Powers which consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire (modern day Turkey), and Bulgaria.

A paragraph obout World War I?

People call World War 1 the Great War because the war lasted from 1914 to 1919. But, the fighting stopped in 1918. The war was fought by the Allies and the Central Powers. The Allies fought on one side and the Central Powers fought on the other side. The Central Powers were Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria ect... The Allies were Serbi, Russia, France, Belguim ect...

Which group of nations formed central powers?

In World war 1 the central powers were Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman empire. Italy was initially part of that alliance ("triple alliance") but because it switched side to the Entente, in order to conquer some territory from Austria.

What side was belgium on in World War 1?

Bulgaria and their previous rulers, the Ottoman Empire, both fought on the side of the Central Powers in World War I. Bulgaria hoped to get help from Germany and Austria in regaining territory lost in the Balkan Wars. Instead they lost still more land to neighboring countries.

Who was involved in World War I?

The Central Powers consisting of Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria on one side against France, England, Russia, Serbia and the United States on the other.

What countries supported Serbia in World War 1?

Russia supported Serbia first, then when Germany entered the war (on the side of Austria-Hungary--the Central Powers), France and Britain joined in as well (on the side of Serbia--The Allies). Bulgaria joined in later (Central Powers), as did Italy (Allies). As it became truly a world war, Japan and the United States joined (part of the Allies), and so did the Ottoman Empire (Central Powers), and several other countries such as Portugal, Romania, etc. on the Allied side.

What countries are axes in World War 2?

The axis powers are Germany, Italy, and Japan. Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania had fought on the side of the axis powers.