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Only that States' Rights was the basis of secession, and the new Confederate States government declared the Union garrison on the island of Fort Sumter, in Charleston harbour, to be an enemy unit that must be destroyed.

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The conflict over States Rights was one of the major (but not the sole) cause of the American Civil War. The fundamental issue being contested was where ultimate sovereignty lay in the United States: with the federal government or with state governments. The start of the Civil War by the attack on Fort Sumter was a result of several decades of an inability of leadership to solve this fundamental difference. Those states ceceding felt they had no option but to leave the Union of the United States, as they could see no favorable outcome (from their perspective) on this issue, which cut to the core of how most Southerners saw their country.

Of course, as mentioned above, there were a considerable number of other factors bringing the US to civil war, not the lease being the considerable change in social status of the mostly agrarian South vs the now-industrializing North (and the corresponding political power shift it presaged), and of course the moral issues surrounding slavery.

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Q: Why was fort Sumter important to the states seceding?
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When did southern forces fired on fort Sumter?

In April of 1861, which was followed by other southern states seceding and brought about the start of the war.

What states is Fort Sumter?

Fort Sumter is located in South Carolina .

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Why did the confederacy want the fort Sumter?

The confederacy of the southern states wanted Fort Sumter to have a foot hold on the harbors. The confederacy held possession of Fort Sumter until February 1865, when the North came in and raised the Northern states flag and regained control of Fort Sumter.

Who was important in the battle of fort Sumter?

Jefferson Davis was important in the battle at Fort Sumter. He sent officers to the fort to ask the union army to surrender the fort in April 1861. He was born in Kentucky and was elected president of the Confederacy. Bombed Fort Sumter.

Why is fort Sumter important?

The name of the Federal fort in the Charleston, South Carolina harbor, Fort Sumter, will always be remembered in US history. It was there that the Southern forces bombarded the fort with canon fire and for all practical purposes was the beginning of the US Civil War.

Was fort Sumter confederate?

Fort Sumter was a United States fort which happened to be in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, waters claimed by the Confederacy. After its surrender it became Confederate.

Who surrenderd fort Sumter?

The Union surrendered Fort Sumter 2:00 PM. April,13,1861. Major Robert Anderson, United States Army surrendered the fort.

Which states entered the confederacy before and after Fort Sumter?

South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas entered before Fort Sumter. Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina entered after Fort Sumter.

Why was the fort Sumter so important?

From a military point of view, Fort Sumter was important because it dominated the access to the Bay of Charleston and was the most important element of the city's defensive system towards the sea.

What were the Southern results of Fort Sumter?

The United States troops surrendered the fort to the Confederate forces.

Why was Fort Sumter so important to the US Civil War?

The Confederate capture of Fort Sumter was important to the US Civil War because it was the event that led to the US Civil War.