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Gave security to the peasants and gave power and wealth to the land owner

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Q: Why was feudalism put into place?
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How do you put feudalism in a sentence?

Feudalism was an old tradition in medieval times.

Where and when did feudalism take place?

-in europe

Where did feudalism take place?

Western Europe

How did napoleon help abolish feudalism?

Napoleon came to power in 1799 but before him the Directory was in power. They abolished feudalism, but Napoleon then confirmed the abolishment of feudalism through the Civil Code also known as Code Napoleon. However Napoleon reintroduced hereditary rule and put a hierarchy in place through the legion of honour so he did a lot that went against the revolutionary idea of getting rid of feudalism.

What put an end to feudalism in the Middle Ages?

The goal of The Middle Ages is to help students understand the basic. The barbarian invasions, feudalism, the Crusades, the devastation of the plague.

Why did Feudalism bring such stability to medieval society?

Feudalism let everyone know what their place was in society. It provided certainty in life and ensured everyone understood what their job was and who they served.

What system of government was based on the exchange of the land for protection and service?


How do you deliver a package on feudalism?

If it is a quest just go in the place where to deliver the package then return for your reward

What are the characteristic of feudalism?

what is feudalism

How did feudalism come into existence?

Feudalism emerged from a need for cavalry troops in Japan and Europe. The infrastructure was not in place to actively pay for these troops so a system was devised to grant land and hereditary rule as compensation.

put these events in order rise of feudalism, fall of rome, rise in attacks?

Fall of Rome (4 September 476 AD) Rise of Feudalism (5th century and results in 12th century) Rise in Attacks

How did the franks created feudalism?

The Franks did not create feudalism, rather it evolved from the social and political structures in place during the early Middle Ages across Europe. Feudalism emerged as a way to maintain order and stability in a decentralized society through the granting of land in exchange for loyalty and military service. The Frankish kingdom did contribute to the spread and consolidation of feudalism through its conquests and administrative systems.