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It lacked strategic value, but it bought time for the Texas Army to consolidate and became a symbol of defiance and a rallying cry.

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It really was not of much strategic importance. It accrued more symbolic value because of the atrocities.

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Q: Why was defending the Alamo so important?
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Why was davy Crockett important'?

Because he was part of the Texas revolution died defending the Alamo had brang more people to the Texas revolution.he also is not selfish because he defended the Alamo.

Why is david Crockett so famous?

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Men who fought at the Alamo in San Antonio, TX.

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While it is not known for sure, it is estimated that 185 Texian soldiers died defending the Alamo garrison.

Why was defending the Alamo important?

It lacked strategic value, but it bought time for the Texas Army to consolidate and became a symbol of defiance and a rallying cry.

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Santa Anna's forces vastly outnumbered the "Texicans" defending the Alamo. Santa Anna's Mexican Army forces won the battle.

When did the alamo become important to texas?

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Who won the battle for the Alamo?

Santa Anna's forces vastly outnumbered the "Texicans" defending the Alamo. Santa Anna's Mexican Army forces won the battle.

Who congressman from Tennessee was among the final defenders of the Alamo?

Davy Crockett represented Tennessee in the United States House of Representatives. He died in 1836 defending the Alamo.

Is Davy crokett dead?

Yes. He died defending The Alamo against Santa Anna in 1836.