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In the ancient world of Christianity, the whole world was divided into two opposing empires - that of Rome and that of Persia. The Roman Empire became important to Christianity because the faith was founded within its borders, it gradually expanded throughout the empire, and after about three hundred years became the official religion of the empire. The Persian Empire remained unaffected by Christianity.

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The Romans had to gain some sort of control over Christians (not Christianity) because they were causing civil unrest. Remember, the early Christians were not the white robed, angelic, self effacing individuals that Hollywood would have you believe. They were an aggressive band who, because they had grown in numbers over the years began making demands. With the foreign unrest and some border problems, the last thing that Licinius and Constantine needed was domestic disturbances. Therefore they issued the Edict of Milan. In addition, Constantine began returning confiscated property to the Christians in an effort to placate them.

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