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because ih indians do not give cloths to them

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Q: Why was calico act passed by british in 1720?
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When was the BNA act passed?

The British North American Act was passed in 1867. The British North American Act was passed in 1867.

Was the Rowlett act passed by the British?

yes it was passed by the britishers

What act was not passed by the British that upset the colonists?

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What act passed in British resulted in the first colonial boycott of British goods?

Stamp Act

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It was the Quartering Act that forced colonists to house and feed British soldiers. The act was passed in 1765.

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The British reacted by closing the Boston Harbor so anyone and anything could not get out or in.

What is the admiralty act?

The act passed by British Parliment which accompanied the repeal of the Stamp Act.

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In 1774 the Intolerable Acts were passed, by the British Parliament.

Carried out a boycott of british goods after the passage of the stamp act?

The Stamp Act was passed by the British government. After it was passed, the American colonists instituted a boycott of British goods.

Why did british passed Sugar Act?

Glen Grenville and Parliament passed the American Revenue Act (Sugar act) in order to off set the cost of nearly 10,000 British Soldiers in the Colonies.

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passed 1767

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The Stamp Act was passed in 1765 by the British Parliament and was the first to direct tax the colonies.