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It was an oil-exporting nation

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Q: Why was a severe downturn in oil prices during the early '80s detrimental to the Soviet economy?
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Why was a severe downturn in oil prices during the earlys detrimental to the soviet economy?

It was an oil-exporting nation

What weakened the Soviet economy during Brezhnev's leadership?

The Americans.

What caused the Soviet Union to modernize its economy during the 1980's and 1990's?

It was the scarcity of goods and services that caused the Soviet Union to modernize its economy during the 80's and 90's.

Why did the soviet premier mikhail gorbachev adopt the policies of glasnost and perestroika during the 1980s?

because the soviet economy was in serious trouble

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They got their money from the Soviet Union

During the 1980s Mikhail gorbachev introduced perestroika in the soviet union to?

improve the economy and decentralize decision making

What is meant by the term 'paradox of thirft'?

The paradox of thrift refers to the idea that if everyone saves more money during an economic downturn, it can actually harm the economy as a whole by reducing overall spending, leading to decreased demand for goods and services, which can further exacerbate the economic downturn. In other words, what may be good for individuals in the short term (saving more) can have negative consequences for the economy as a whole.

Has the down turn in economy hurt the profession of strippers?

Studies have shown that alcohol is one of the products which is purchased more frequently during an economic downturn. Strip clubs are a popular destination for purchasing alcohol and for those who are intoxicated. As a result, strippers have maintained their clientele and their profession has not been harmed by the current economy.

How did the automobile economy have a problem during the great depression?

During the Great Depression in the US, almost all businesses were hurt by this serious economic downturn. This included US auto manufacturers. With unemployment rates near 25%, car sales were hit hard, and as with other industries there were layoffs of workers.

How were the Soviet Union and Germany able to amass such economic power during the 1930's?

Gearing up for war, on a massive scale, always helps the economy.

What were some of the problens of the Sobiet economy during the Cold War?

Compared to the US; a very low standard of living for Russian (Soviet) citizens, and bankruptcy for their government.

What is keynesianism and how does it work?

Keynesianism is an economic theory that advocates for government intervention in the economy, particularly during times of economic downturn, to stimulate demand and spur growth. It emphasizes the role of aggregate demand in shaping the overall economic output. This can be achieved through measures like government spending programs and monetary policies to stabilize the economy.