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some of the dirtiest cities are right here in India

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Ben Pincus

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because it is

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Q: Why was a medieval village a better place than a medieval town?
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Was it better in Medieval Times than today?

Most people would say it is better today that in medieval times. Modern knowledge of science, engineering, medicine, and sanitation has made life easier and longer for many people.

What was the most economic activity in a medieval town?

The most important economic activity in a Medieval town was trade. ----- The thing that made a town different from a village was that the town had a permanently established market place, where a number of merchants and craftspeople could sell their wares.

What does to what extent was medieval Europe more advanced than medieval Arabia?

well medieval Arabia is because they have develpoed more things and objects than medievel Europe so the answer to the question us that the medieval Arabia are more creative than medievel Europe!

How do you compare jobs today to medieval jobs?

Today's jobs tend to be less physically demanding, but require more education than the medieval jobs did. Also in the Middle Ages, people were much more likely to do the same things their parents did than they are today. There are many more different kinds of jobs today than there were then, though the medieval job list is surprisingly long. Medieval people tended to work longer hours than people do today, and they were probably more willing to do risky work because they knew that life was short and hard, and that they would go to better things if they were good.

Why are medieval castles on hills?

Being on a hill was better for defense than being in a valley, and helped you command the valley as a result. Putting fortifications on the hill, like a casle, just made for an even better defensive position.

Related questions

How do you finish an essay about medieval village?

if the essay's on a question then end it on so thats why i thought that a medieval village is better than a medieval town. (for example) or so thats why i thought that "question"

Were did reeve's live in a medieval village?

A Reeve was a serf who was elected by the other serfs to supervise the village. He lived and worked in the village just as any other serf did. He proably did a bit better than the average serf due to the privledges of his position, but the fact that he was elected annyually by the villagers probably limited his corruption somewhat.

What is the name of a place smaller then a village?

A hamlet is a place smaller than a village, typically consisting of a small group of houses or buildings.

Who was under more control medieval villagers or townsfolk?

medival villagers did because they had more say in their village rules than townsfolk did in the town rules.

What was it like to be king in the medieval time?

Probably a lot better than being a peasant or serf.

Was it better in Medieval Times than today?

Most people would say it is better today that in medieval times. Modern knowledge of science, engineering, medicine, and sanitation has made life easier and longer for many people.

What does the use of medieval battering rams tell you about medieval life?

Mostly it tells me that they didn't have modern artillery and explosives which work much better than battering rams.

Can child's drink ale in medieval times?

yes, they can in fact it is more better than drinking water

Is city a better place to live than village?

It depends on personal preferences and lifestyle. Cities offer more job opportunities, entertainment options, and cultural diversity. Villages provide a quieter, slower-paced environment with closer community connections and a simpler way of life. Ultimately, the better place to live is subjective and varies from person to person.

In Zelda spirit tracks where do you bring the small boy from outset village?

Beedle's Shop He said something about wanting to look down at the people like they were ants. What better place than a hot-air balloon?

Why Is village life better than city life for food vegetables fruits etc?

Village life is better than city life as far as produce goes. In the rural or suburban areas, there are more crops around. This means that the produce available is fresher and more local.

The best place on earth is no better than your place on earth What comparative adjective is used in this sentence?
