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There were several types of gladiators. Only one type was armed with a net and a trident (three-pointed spear). He was meant to represent King Neptune, and his opponent in armour was meant to represent a sea monster.

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Q: Why was a gladiator armed with a net?
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Roman gladiator armed with a net?


Gladiator armed addition to a dagger and spear?

trident and net

What are three things was a gladiator armed with?

What are three things was a gladiator armed with?

What is the name of a roman gladiator armed with a net and trident?

The types of gladiators who fought with a sword and a shield were the hoplomachus, the murmillo, the thraex (Thracian) and the secutor.

Which type of gladiator used a net?


Is gladiator a Latin word?

Yes, it comes from gladius, a short sword - gladiator is strictly a man armed with a short sword.

What are the Gladiator?

Depending on what kind of gladiator it was, they would use different weapons. These included:retia (net)gladius (sword)dagger

What are gladiator's?

Depending on what kind of gladiator it was, they would use different weapons. These included:retia (net)gladius (sword)dagger

What two weapons were not carried by a secutor?

A Secutor usually carried a short sword, a gladius, or a dagger. The Secutor was specially trained to fight a Retiarius, a type of lightly armoured gladiator armed with a trident and net. That's what they carried.

Who is Thracian?

I suspect that you are referring to a Thracian Gladiator?! A Thracian (named so because of the resembleness of fighters from Thrace) was a type of gladiator that fought against other gladiators for the entertainment of the villages from Roman Villages, they were not as elaborately armed as a Samnite (a Heavily armed gladiator). They weiled a curved short sword, a sica, and a small round shield, a parma.

Why was the life of a roman gladiator so tough?

Becuase the life of the gladiator was similar to the life of a Spartan grim, tough,and they were often fought other slaves for their freedom. Many fights consisted of an animal and a slave or a heavily armed slave agaisnt a bare armed slave.

What was gladiator armed with in addition to dagger and spear?

there was 20 different types of gladiators heres someGladius sword and shield used by the common soldier, or knives or a net and trident of the "retiarius".There were some 20 different types of role and relevant kit that a Gladiator could take. Amongst the principal types of Gladiator we have the Retiarii, Secutor, Myrmillones, Hoplomachi, Crupellarii, Thracians, Samnites, Gauls, Britons, Pinnirapi, Essedarii and the Andabatae. Of these the Samnites, the Thracians, the Myrmillo (or Secutor) and the Retiarius were the four most common.