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The Union gained full control of the Mississippi River. and the union had control of food which made the city eat horses, rats and other things to survive then the confederates surrendered and they immediately sent food

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8y ago

It was important because it solidified Union control of the Mississippi River, cutting the Confederacy in half. This completed The Anaconda Plan to surround the South and enforce a blockade. With the West having been largely pacified at the time of the battle this narrowed the front and allowed the Northern Army to concentrate manpower and resources on the East without having to worry about an army attacking from behind. The Battle of Vicksburg was Grant's first real foray into the South as commander of the Army of Tennessee and can, arguably, be considered the turning point of the war. Vicksburg was also important because it imported food and supplies from west of the Mississippi. From Vicksburg, the South could then ship supplies to Southern forces to the east.

Previous attempts to capture Vicksburg proved to be fruitless. As it turned out only a siege caused Vicksburg to fall.

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10y ago

Capturing Vicksburg allowed the union to used the whole Mississippi Valley as a staging area for future campaigns and opened up communications all the way from St. Louis to New Orleans, which was captured from the Gulf side. This freed Grant to attack Chattanooga without having to worry about being counterattacked from the rear. This, in turn, led to Sherman's successful invasion of Georgia the following year. It also convinced Lincoln that Grant was the officer to take overall command of all Union forces.

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11y ago

It liberated the Mississippi, isolating all Confederates to the west of the river, putting this important military highway in Union hands, and freeing Grant to go to the aid of the Army of the Cumberland in Chattanooga.

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13y ago

It ended the war in the West, took 30,000 Confederates out of the war, liberated the Mississippi, isolated all Confederates to the West of the river, and released Grant and Sherman to fight in the East.

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8y ago

The Confederate military high command saw the Propaganda value for the Union if Vicksburg was captured, however, none of the top generals believed that Vicksburg was of logistic or of military importance. Generals Lee, Johnston, and Beauregard believed that Middle Tennessee was the key in the West. Beauregard had already charged it off once New Orleans had been captured. The aspect of Vicksburg as a supply conduit had long passed before Vicksburg fell. The three Confederate states west of the Mississippi had ample supplies of its own and the free border with Mexico and those ports as well as Texas ports were not effected by the loss of Vicksburg. Th e assumption that supplies flowed west to east via Vicksburg was incorrect. If anything it was the revers. With that said the three states west of the Mississippi had long been distinct entities of their own.

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8y ago

Contrary to popular belief, the siege and surrender of the Confederate city fortress of Vicksburg was a propaganda victory for the North. In fact, the Union military and US President Lincoln created this propaganda victory themselves. Important facts concerning Vicksburg are as follows:1. The Confederate Military High Command did not believe that Vicksburg had little logistical or military value;

2. Despite this, the Union had conducted from 1862 to 1863, three serious campaigns and a siege in order to force the city's surrender;

3. These campaigns were well publicized in the Northern press and the Union's repeated failures magnified the city's importance and its value;

4. The fact that military control of the Mississippi River was part of General Winfield Scott's original plan to end the Southern rebellion, the Anaconda Plan, now gave Vicksburg identification value. It was now a name brand place;

5. The Union already had control of the Mississippi River, and the cover of the night gave Union gunboats access to all parts of the river except Vicksburg;

6. The idea that Vicksburg was a Confederate conduit for shipping Western supplies to the East was erroneous. It is true that for a time, supplies flowed East to West;

7. The propaganda phrase of " cutting the Confederacy in half", was a display of bad mathematics. The South had three of its eleven states located west of the Mississippi River and one state, Louisiana already had the Confederate city of New Orleans under control since May of 1862;

8. Texas had its own supplies and had an open border to Mexico and Mexico's Gulf and Pacific coasts if needed;

9. Texas bordered Arkansas and western Louisiana, and if needed, that border could exchange men and supplies in both directions;

10. After the fall of New Orleans, Confederate general PT Beauregard had already charged off Vicksburg, and General Lee convinced Confederate president Jefferson Davis that reinforcing Vicksburg with troops from Virginia was not in the South's best interest;

11. As late as May, 1862, the South had placed only 3,600 troops to defend Vicksburg. Union estimates were overly generous and incorrectly believed that Vicksburg had a garrison of up to 10,000 troops. It can be pointed out here that General McClellan was not the only general to over estimate the the enemy's troop numbers;

12. Confederate generals understood that Vicksburg was only one of many points on the Mississippi River that Union cargo ships could be harassed. This was the opposite view of President Lincoln and General Halleck. They directed that generals Grant and Sherman make every effort to capture Vicksburg;

13. Any loss in transit based on the fall of Vicksburg could and did not hurt the Confederate supply situation at all. This was due to the fact that the three effected states had long before been logistically separated;

14. The Confederate "west' had its own supply of food and livestock;

15. The reinforcement plans of Jefferson Davis, Secretary of War Randolph and General Johnston, had been falsely based on the idea that Arkansas had enormous and redundant forces. Therefore the belated rush to transport troops to Vicksburg, was for the South a hidden benefit. The time and resources would have been wasted;

16. As time would tell, Union cargo transport on the Mississippi River after the fall of Vicksburg was insignificant when compared to 1860 tonnage;

17. With that said, there was little to no supply transport utilization that was helped by the Union's control of Vicksburg;

18. Military historians believe that the Union troops now required to garrison Vicksburg were a waste of precious time and Union troops could have been better used elsewhere; and

19. If there was a positive gain for the Union it was the capture of over 60,000 rifles, many of British origin demonstrated had poorly the Union blockade was in denying imported weapons to places hundreds of miles from New Orleans.

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Leoneciaaa Oliviaaa

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1y ago

It allowed the union yo control the Mississippi River.

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13y ago

It liberated the Mississippi and ended the war in the West, enabling Grant to rescue the Army of the Cumberland, besieged in Chattanooga.

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Q: Why was a Union victory at Vicksburg so important for the North?
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Which side claimed victory in the Battle of Vicksburg?

Since the Confederate General Pemberton surrendered the city to General Grant of the Union Army, I suspect the Union claimed victory.

Victory here gave the union control of the Mississippi river?

siege of vicksburg

What events led to the Battle of Vicksburg?

Vicksburg had withstood a number of Union attempts to capture this fortress city on the Mississippi River. When after a long siege, the city surrendered, it was a propaganda victory for the North. US Grant led the Union forces in a series of battles to capture Vicksburg. When it fell, the Mississippi River was in the control of the Union. The captured Rebels were paroled and some returned to fight again. One problem about Vicksburg was that now a Union garrison was required to keep it in Union hands.

Why was the Battle of Vicksburg so important?

Vicksburg was important to the enemy because it occupied the first high ground coming close to the river before Memphis. From there a railroad runs east, connecting with other roads leading to all points of the Southern States. A railroad also starts from the opposite side of the river, extending west as far as Shreveport, Louisiana. Vicksburg was the only channel, at the time the only channel connecting the parts of the confederacy divided by the Mississippi. So long as it was held by the enemy, the free navigation of the river was prevented. Hence its importance. Points of the river between Vicksburg and Port Hudson were held as dependencies; but their fall was sure to follow the capture of the former place.

What was US Civil War Battle of Big Black River Bridge important?

The Battle of Big Black River Bridge was fought on May 17, 1863 in Mississippi. It was an important Union victory in that the Confederate forces were forced to leave the field and take refuge in the City of Vicksburg. No Southern army could rescue Vicksburg and Union General US Grant began a siege on Vicksburg which would cause Vicksburg to surrender on July 4, 1863.

Related questions

Why is the important victory?

Vicksburg is the most important Union victory.

Why was Grants victory at Vicksburg was important?

Victory at Vicksburg secured control of the Mississippi Valley for the Union.

Why was the war in Vicksburg important?

The Union victory at Vicksburg gave the Union complete control over the Mississippi River. The Mississippi was an important means of transportation. Vicksburg was one the few remaining cities under Confederate control. General Grant led the victory at Vicksburg for the North. The victory at Vicksburg also helped complete the Anaconda Plan. The Anaconda plan was the North's plan for winning the Civil War and was: 1)blockading Southern Sea Ports 2)Controlling the Mississippi 3)And capturing Richmond, VA (Richmond was the capital of the Confederate States of America)

Which is the BEST description of the significance of the Union victory in the siege of Vicksburg?

The Union victory at Vicksburg resulted in northern control of the Mississippi River.

Did the victory at Vicksburg give the union victory?

did the win of vicksburg give union ful control over mississipi river

Why was Vicksburg a strategic location for the Union Victory?

The Union could control the Mississippi River from Vicksburg

How many days did it take union forces reach Vicksburg after the victory at Jackson?

It took 18 days for the Union forces to reach Vicksburg after the victory at jackson.

How many days did it take the union forces to reach Vicksburg after the victory at Jackson?

It took 18 days for the Union forces to reach Vicksburg after the victory at jackson.

What other battle was taking place at the time of the Union victory at Vicksburg MS?

Robert E. Lee's second invasion of the North and the Battle of Gettysburg which also was a Union victory. Gettysburg was fought July 1-3, and Vicksburg fell July 4, 1863.

Which Union victory coincided with the capture of Vicksburg?


Which union victory cut confederacy in two?


What might be some possible results of the Union victory at Vicksburg?

the union get to the Mississippi