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Q: Why was Washington so alarmed by the whiskey rebellion?
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What led to the whiskey rebelloion?

The Whiskey Rebellion was a rebellion of farmers from Pennsylvania to Georgia. It was in response to the tax put on whiskey. The farmers were upset because they thought the whiskey was an important good. So, they rebelled against the tax. George Washington sent an army down to calm the rebellion.

What did the whiskey rebellion show about Washington?

By George Washington choosing to put down the Whiskey Rebellion himself, he showed that the country's issues were important to him and that he was more than a decision maker and figurehead.

What was the whiskey rebellion all about?

The Whiskey Rebellion is all about the farmers and a few citizens getting mad over taxes on the whiskey. It is also about the government not allowing farmers to turn there corn into whiskey. George Washington decided he was going to end it himself. So he gathered up some troops and headed down towards all of the rebels. But when he got there they had all dispersed, knowing that it was George Washington coming down there to stop them.

What did Washington reaction to the whiskey rebellion prove?

Whiskey Rebellion proved to Americans that their new government would act firmly in times of crisis and represented the first major test of the national government's ability to enforce its laws within the states.

Why is the wiskey rebellion important?

The whiskey rebellion occurred twice in early US history. The first occurrence was a tax that Britain used to charge the colonies for alcoholic beverages. The second time the whiskey rebellion occurred before prohibition was when the new colonies began charging a luxury tax to distilled spirits to pay for the revolutionary war.

Why did president Washington order that the army to end the whiskey rebellion?

President Washington ordered the army to end the Whiskey Rebellion in 1794 because it was a violent uprising by farmers in western Pennsylvania against the federal government's excise tax on whiskey. The rebellion threatened the authority of the newly formed federal government and its ability to enforce laws. Washington saw it as a challenge to the rule of law and the stability of the young nation, so he took decisive action to suppress the rebellion and uphold the authority of the federal government.

What was the whiskey rebellion a revolt againts?

The federal government had placed a tax on corn (which is used to make whiskey), so the farmers who relied on the production of the crop for their livelihood rebelled.

What was George Washington's popularity?

Washington was very popular- he was elected president without any even slightly serious opposition. After he put down the Whiskey rebellion, he was not so popular among the rebels, but people who were not involved appreciated his strong stance when it came to enforcing federal law.

What year did ''Shays Rebellion'' happen?

Daniel shay started the whiskey rebellion in which he stirred up farmers and peasents against the government because of the tax on whiskey. the rebellion was later crushed and the tax was repealed.

What was the problem and solution of the whiskey rebelion?

The problems that arose from the Whiskey Rebellion were riots and demonstrations by the people against a tax on whiskey. This occurred in 1791 when Alexander Hamilton proposed this tax. It also was a problem for George Washington because he was an amateur brewer of whiskey and beer at the time.

The result of Shays's Rebellion was to demonstrate that?

Shay's Rebellion was trying to prove to the government that they were taxing the lands too high. So they burned down buildings and killed people where involved with the high taxing. Does that help?

Did George Washington do anything so important?

He asserted to the federal government in the Whiskey Rebellion, he was humble cuz he didnt want his GRAND TITLE ,instead of naming himself MR PRESIDENT he refused that an refused also the presidents office. In fact he fought the corruption at the way he could. Renato