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To gain access to the Mediterranean Sea and unifying the Pan-Slavisms.

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Q: Why was Russia especially interested in expanding into the Balkans?
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Why did balkan people feel closer to russia than austria?

The majority of the population of the Balkans and Russia are the Slavs. So, they shared that, and they felt closer to Russia.

What countries did gemrany invade?

France, Belgium, Holland, Poland, Egypt, the Balkans, Soviet Russia.

How did the balkans 1908 cause world war 1?

The Balkans were somewhat of a powder keg at the time; they were small, relatively weak nations, (well, compared to the powers like Germany and Russia), in a desirable location, close to Europe's center. A lot of the nations wanted to seize these countries for their own. Russia wanted to protect the Balkans due to their Slavic beliefs, or maybe they just wanted to help the underdog. This made Russia a natural enemy of Germany and Austria-Hungary. Because of the treaty between Russia and France, this brought France into the issue too, which pitted great nations against one another.

How did russia gain control of the Ottoman Empire?

Russia tried to gain control but was only partially successful. Territories such as modern Armenia and Azerbaijan were once Ottoman but were lost to Russia. Much of the Balkans fought for independence from the Ottomans but didn't become Russian.

What was Austria Hungary's Rivalry against Russia in World War 1 about?

They both wanted dominance of the Balkans. Austria-Hungary controlled Bosnia and Herzegovina were there were a large number of ethnic Serbs. So Serbia believed they should control this area. In Russia at the time there was a belief in pan-Slavism (that all the Slavs in the world should help each other, in this case Russia should help Serbia). So when Austria-Hungary threatened to invade Serbia if its demands were not met in 1914 Russia came to help its ally and "Slav brother" Serbia, this would also serve to give Russia dominance in the Balkans.