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From his days at West Point he knew personally many of the Yankee generals and how they planned their battles. He was able to use this knowledge to deploy his troops and in many cases knew how the Yankee generals would deploy their troops.

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12y ago

Robert E Lee was the head of the Confederate army and a war advisor to the Cinterstate president, Jefferson Davis. He was a master general, a graduate of West Point Military Academy. He commanded the Army of Northern Virginia which saw most of the action during the American Civil War, often battling the Union's Army of the Potomac. At Appomattox Court House, Virginia, Lee surrendered the Army of Nothern Virginia to Ulysses S Grant, which ultimately led to the surrender of the entire Confederate army.

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Robert E Lee was a famed general of the Confederacy. If Lee had not led the south, then the war would have been over before it even started.

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