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Q: Why was Peters-burg so important to the Confederate capital Richmond?
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Why did the Confederate army defend Petersburg?

Petersburg was a rail link to the Confederate capital. The Confederates defended so fiercely Petersburg because that fortified town covered Richmond, their Capital city, its complex of military installation and industries and the strategic railroad net leading to the area Richmond-Petersburg, vital for the prosecution of the war.

Why was the battle of Petersburg important to the civil war?

It was the most vital transportation hub for the capital at Richmond. Petersburg was twenty two miles south of Richmond. It became a fortress for the Confederate capital. Three railroads and a dozen highways all converged at Petersburg. Its loss would cut Richmond off from the rest of the nation.

Where did Petersburg Siege take place?

The siege of Petersburg a city in Virginia was the main factor in the fall of Richmond. Petersburg lay south of the Confederate capital of Richmond. By laying siege to this city it began to cut off the railway supplies to Richmond.

Did the union capture the confederate capital?

The Confederate capital, Richmond was captured after the Battle of Five Forks, which forced Lee to evacuate it and Petersburg as well.

What casued the Confederate capital in Richmond Virgina to fall?

The Union victory at the battle of Five Forks, which led to the breakthrough of Confederate front and the encirclement of the Petersburg's defensive line.

Which city acted as a buffer of protection for the Confederate capital in 1865?

South of the city of Richmond, VA. (the capital of the Confederacy) was the city of Fredericksburg. General Grant had to go through Fredericksburg before he could get to Richmond.

Who won the war in petersburg in the Civil War?

Although there are several parts to the Battle of Peterburgh as a whole it is condsidered a Union Victory. The fall of Petersburg significantly helped in the taking of Richmond, the Confederate capital.

What was George mcclellans goal in march 1862?

to capture Richmond the confederate capital

How many railroad lines led from the city of Petersburg to Richmond Virginia during the US Civil War?

The Confederate capital of Richmond was able to remain supplied with most of what it needed throughout most of the US Civil War. This was due in part by the five railroad lines that ran from Petersburg to Richmond.

Where was the confederates capital?

The Confederate capital was Richmond, Virginia.

What is the name of the city of the confederate capital?

Richmond, Virginia was the capital of the Confederate States of America.

Where was the confederate capital moved?

Montgomery, Alabama was the initial confederate capital city. The confederate capital moved to Richmond, Virginia. The last Confederate capital was Danville, Virginia.