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Because of his partcipation in the Penobscot Expediton where, from July 24 - August 12, 1779 the United States had 1,000 militia and 43 warships to the British 600 regulars. Anyway it ended in disaster for the Americans with 474 killed and all of our ships sunk. Whereas the British only suffered 13 casulaties.

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he rode into a town and warned that british were coming

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Q: Why was Paul Revere charged with disobedience unsoldierly conduct and cowardice?
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Continue Learning about General History

When was Good Conduct Medal created?

Good Conduct Medal was created in 1896.

When was Distinguished Conduct Medal created?

Distinguished Conduct Medal was created on 1854-12-04.

When was Reserve Good Conduct Medal created?

Reserve Good Conduct Medal was created in 1939.

Over what three continents did Caesar conduct his campaigns?

asia,africa,and europe

How did the democritus conduct his experiment?


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contempt in law disobedience of disrespectful or disorderly conduct in the presence of any court or legistalive body

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The charged ions are able to flow freely therefore conduct electricity.

Molecular compuonds that dissolve in water do not conduct electricity because no charged ions present?

That's correct. Molecular compounds do not dissociate into ions in solution, so they do not conduct electricity as there are no free charged particles to carry the current.

I believe it can be ?

I believe it can be helpful to have a public defender represent a person charged with disorderly conduct and worth it for the person charged, but it's not necessary as in mandatory.

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Liquids can conduct electricity if they contain charged particles, such as ions. Therefore, liquids can be electrically charged, depending on their composition.

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bananas because of the potassium in them. gives a charged ion (K+)

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Xylene is a nonpolar solvent and does not conduct electricity. It does not contain any free mobile ions or charged particles required for electricity conduction.

The presence of these in water causes water to conduct electricity-?

The presence of ions in water causes water to conduct electricity. Ions are charged particles that are formed when atoms gain or lose electrons in a solution. These charged particles allow for the flow of electrical current through the water.

Can a 17 year old girl be charged with disordely conduct for being provoked into hitting a 14 year old girl who started the fight?

Yes, they can certainly be charged. Battery is a crime and they could be charged and convicted.

The presence of these in water causes water to conduct electricity.?

Protons (acid), ions (salt), charged particles.

Why do covalent bonds in a liquid state conduct electricity?

Covalent bonds in a liquid state do not conduct electricity because the electrons are localized between the bonded atoms and do not have the freedom to move and carry electrical charge. In order for a substance to conduct electricity in the liquid state, it must have mobile charged particles, such as ions or free electrons.

What is the charge and or cost of disorderly conduct misdemeanor?

Most of the time, you will only be charged a fine for a disorderly conduct misdemeanor. It really all depends which state you live in and if it is your first offense or not.