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  • This was a normal practice.
  • Two months after the death of Muhammad father(Abd Allah), in 570 AD, Muhammad was born.
  • As was tradition among all the great families at the time, Aminah sent Muhammad into the desert as a baby. The practice at that time was that in the desert, one would learn self-discipline, nobility, and freedom. This also gave Muhammad the chance to learn Arabic and Arab traditions.
  • During this time, Muhammad was nursed by Halimah bint Abi Dhuayb, a poor Bedouin woman from the tribe of Banu Sa'ad, a branch of the Hawāzin, who would be with him during his time in the desert.
  • When Muhammad was two years old he was reunited with Aminah. After 3 years when Muhammad was 5 years old, Aminah took him to Yathrib (Madinah) to meet his extended family and introduce him to the city. They ended up spending one month in Yathrib. However, after having traveled only 23 miles from Yathrib towards Mecca accompanied by her slave Umm 'Aimān al Barakah, Aminah fell ill and eventually died 577 AD[6] and was buried in the village of Abwa'.
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14y ago

he wasnt sent down to live with anyone

although he did stay with his mother and his wetnurse for a few years. he also stayed with his wives,who took turns in looking after him

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10y ago

1) it was considerd healthier for infants to live along with the bedouins.

2) also it was felt the Bedouins would give him a better taste of the Arab cultures

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Vivian Jones

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2y ago

It was a tradition to send a newborn child into the desert. Mohammad spent two years living there before returning to his mother.

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Q: Why was Muhammad sent to live with the Bedouins?
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What desert do the bedouins live in?

The largest populations of Bedouins live in the Arabian desert and the Sahara Desert.

In what country do bedouins live?

Saudi Arabia is where they live. They are a desert tribe.

How do Bedouins live in such a harsh environment?

The Bedouins do not view the environment in which they live as harsh. It is just a way of life for them. Others may view their lifestyle as harsh because it is not what they are accustomed or used to. The Bedouins in Israel raise livestock and farm. They create their own teas and coffees. They enjoy education and build their own villages. A harsh environment is all in the eye of the beholder. Many Bedouins are thrilled to be able to live with this lifestyle.

What are north African Bedouins' homes like?

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Why were Mecca and Medina at odds with each other?

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How is the lifestyle of Jordan's bedouins differ from that of people living in amman?

Bedouins are nomads who raise livestock traditionally and people who live in Amman are in the manufacturing industries.

How is the lifestyle of Jordan's Bedouins different from that of people living in Amman?

Bedouins are nomads who raise livestock traditionally and people who live in Amman are in the manufacturing industries.

What kind of homes do Bedouins live in?

Well they live in a circular shaped hut, made from sticks and animal hides.

What have Bedouins influenced in Saudi arabia?

Answer 1Government practicesAnswer 2Most of Saudi customs and traditions come from later sedentary Arab sources. The Bedouins, or nomadic Arabs, are consistently maligned by central Arab governments and the Saudi government is no exception. Bedouins live in social equality, whereas the Saudis live in a highly discriminatory economic situation. Bedouins are not terribly religious and could be considered the first secular Muslims. Saudi Arabia is one of the most religious governments in the world. Bedouins are hospitable to foreigners whereas the Saudi government is extremely restrictive as concerns who can enter the Kingdom.In short, the Bedouins have no substantial influence on Saudi customs of governance.

Do Bedouins follow Islam?

Bedouin comes from the Arabic word for Desert (Bedi). The Bedouins are the people of the Arabian desert who live as nomadic families. Most Bedouins today are Moslem, but "the Bedouins" were not an alliance or movement that is specific to Islam or that had a definitive impact in the development of Islam.

What kind of trasportstion did the bedouins use?

The Bedouins used to have camels for transportation . But nowadays bedouins use jeeps.

What were the Arab nomads called?

The Nomads who live in the Arab Deserts are called Bedouins.