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Weismann started an experiment, where he cut off tails on many mice, and let them live like that. When they had offspring, their offspring had tails, proving that traits that are altered during a life-span, don't get passed on to the next generation

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Q: Why was Lamarcks theory disproved?
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Later evidence from genetics and molecular biology showed that acquired traits are not passed down through generations as proposed by Lamarck, as they do not alter the genetic material. On the other hand, Darwin's theory of natural selection was supported by the discovery of the mechanism of inheritance through genes and DNA, providing a more robust explanation for evolutionary change over time.

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No one has successfully disproved the germ theory of disease, which states that microorganisms can cause infectious diseases. This theory has been supported by a large body of scientific evidence and is widely accepted in the field of microbiology and medicine.

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