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Marie Antoinette married Louis XVI (not xiv) after her parents who were the the leaders of the Holy Roman Empire, and his Grandfather (king Louis XV) arranged their marriage. It was a marriage of convenience for the purposes of joining alliances not for love as the two had never met until after they had already been married by proxy.

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15y ago
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15y ago

It was an arranged marriage that Maria Theresa (the mother of Marie Antoinette and Empress of Austria) and Louis XV (the grandfather of Louis XVI and King of France) arranged. Austria and France had been long time enemies and Maria Theresa and Louis XV thought it might do good to their relationship to have their countries united by a marriage of their (grand-)children.

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12y ago

In April 1770 she got married to Louis Auguste Dauphin of France. Louis her husband ascended the throne upon his death.

Marie was born November 2nd 1755. She died on October 16 1793 she was only 37 years old.

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17y ago

It was an arranged marriage. Such marriages were common among royalty. In this particular case the two families wanted to strengthen an existing alliance between Austria and France.

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13y ago

Why on earth not? She was the daughter of the Empress of Austria, and so entirely suitable.

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13y ago

It was an attempt to bind Austria and France together through a convenient marriage. It failed to work out as a political strategy, but the marriage was OK as arranged marriages seldom were.

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Q: Why was King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette married?
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He was married to Marie Antoinette on 16 May 1770.

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Marie Antoinette was 14 years old when she married King Louis on 19 April 1765. It was a proxy wedding - the two did not actually meet each other until five years later.

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Marie Antoinette was a princess from Austria, who married King Louis XVI of France in order for the two countries; Austria and France, to form alliances.

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She was married off to the dauphin of France, the future King Louis XVI.

Was king Louis xvi the monarch during the french revolution?

why in fact he was. He was also married to married to Marie Antoinette who were both beheaded.

Marie Antoinette was the wife of?

King Louis XVI.