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because whenea she cheated on him he would throttle the men on her bed .

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Q: Why was King John so hated?
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What was life like in the times of King John?

rubbish everyone hated him

Who were the two monks that hated King John?

thomas beckett and hernry sarroc

Why did the monks of King John hate him?

they hated him because he was a dumbo for shutting down the churches P.S- Your so dum tou got locked in tesco and starved to death

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The Russian leaders hated John Kennedy.

How was behead John beheaded?

Herodias hated John the baptist. when her daughter did a dance for king Herod he was so delighted that he told her to ask for anything and she would get it. She then asked her mother what to ask for. The mother said ask for Johns head on a silver plate. So John was beheaded , and the head was brought on a plate.

Why do the monks from the monastery hate king john?

King john had a Quarrel with the pope eventually John decided to shut down all churches no weddings or praying. Monks also hated Kings too. Monks sometimes do make lies to be honest. It's absolutely true.

Did King John deserve his reputation?

probably as he did many bad things like attempting to kidnap his grandmother. i think it was mainly Richards fault because he was king before and hated England so he didn't care about money etc

What did roger of wendover think of King John?

Roger of Wendover,to say the least, hated King John. Roger was a monk at about the same time John was king and John was having a large disagreement with the church at this time (he believed that he could choose a better replacement archbishop than the pope and after some drama he became excommunicated) which is probably the reason that Roger hated him. Plus there was other stuff like raising taxes and losing wars to the french, twice.

What did king Ferdinand?

he danced, but he danced so well that he was crowned king, everyone hated him though, because he was an ugly bum. my answer is true.

Who is regarded as the most hated king in English history?

William duke of Normandy is the most hated king in English history

Who is the most hated king of England?

king edward the 2nd

Why is king John school called king John school?

Because king john was a famous hunter and he hunted the woods by where king john stands now so when they built the school they named it after him.