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The reason why King Charles was executed was because Parliament disliked all his money making ways and religious changes. Parliament had a vote, to see whether the King should be executed and it was aid that he was going to be!

He still tried to impress the crowd that had assembled on the day he was going to die, because he put on two layers of clothing since it was a bitter day, he did not want people thinking that he was shivering out of fear, if he was shivering from the cold.

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12y ago
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14y ago

Charles got executed because of many reasons he was commit-ed to murder and he also had trials Oliver Cromwell got a lot of people to sign the death warrant of the king.

But the death was held up because they couldn't find a person to do the death so they paid the person 100 pounds to behead Charles

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13y ago

King Charles was executed because he was a Tyrant, traitor murderer and the public hated him i think

Because he refused to sign legislation abolishing the ancient Catholic Church in this country The Church of England!

He was offered his freedom and rights, restoration as King , his wife and family all his palaces and estates if he would abolish the Church in England, as well as surrendering his authority to command the Militia. He refused and though he was warned of the consequences stood fast to his faith. He was murdered by the actions of a protestant Junta some four months later!

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14y ago

king Charles was executed because the rump Parliament declared him guilty of treason. He started the civil war for wanting more indecent taxes. Like ship tax.

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14y ago

The main charge brought against him was treason. But his excecution was really due to the fact that the Parliamentarians wanted the King out of the picture so they could rule England

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