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It is not known exactly, but there seems to be a couple of reasons--first and foremost is that historians believe it is very possible that King Edward the Confessor, upon his dying bed, at the last moment, said that the best thing England could do was to choose Harold as his successor. This seems to have made an impact on the Witan and they chose him. It also may have been that the Witan recognized that Harold was the strongest military leader and wisest leader in the land and that even if King Edward did not suggest him, they would have made him king anyway. It is probably a combination of the two.

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16y ago
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14y ago

"should become king" - of what - he's been dead since 1066.

If you mean King of where ever he's now at - then a little bit of experience, that he was able to march his army 200 miles north to win the Battle of Stamford Bridge against the Danes under Hardraada and then force march his Army 275 miles south to fight and lose The Battle of Hastings against the Normans under William the Conqueror.

If you mean ".... why Harold of Wessex did became king"

Because his late father, Godwin of Wessex, was the most powerful man in England.

Because he had served the previous King Edward the Confessor (who left no heir) loyally, honorably and successfully (e.g his campaigning in Wales).

Because he was elected by the Witan - the council of senior English nobles, Hardraada and William were also candidates.

Because he was an Anglo saxon (Hardraada and William obviously weren't, and Edgar Etheling (the fourth candidate) was considered too young).

I think Harold may have been the last Anglo Saxon King of England. Which is interesting given the way the rest of the world bangs on about those awful Anglo-Saxons. Since 1066 the English monarchs have been of French, Dutch and German stock.

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12y ago

Because Edward the Confessor died and he had no sons to to take his place as King the title was passed down to the most powerful man in the whole of Britain, (at the time) Earl Harold of Wessex

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15y ago

He thought he might have the good qualities and statistics as Edward, his brother-in-law. Also, Edward blessed him.

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11y ago

They chose Harold because he was the right age he was the brother in law of Edward and he was a saxon!

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13y ago

Harold Godwinson was king because he was already the most powerful man in England.

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