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It spread through strong and passionate evangelization. Truly these people were ready to die for Jesus and that send a very powerful message. The Romans didn't change until Constantine came along.

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It spread through strong and passionate evangelization. Truly these people were ready to die for Jesus and that send a very powerful message. The Romans didn't change until Constantine came along.

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In 381 CE Emperor Theodosius began the serious persecution of non-Christians, clearing the way for its dominance within the Empire.

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Q: Why was Christianity able to spread so quickly throughout the roman empire and how roman and christian values combien?
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How did the adoption of Christianity by constintine help the christians of the eastern roman empire?

Once Constantine adopted Christianity and set Christianity as the main Roman religion, he diverted fund which once went to pagan temples to new Christian churches which he had built all across the empire! (A this point the empire was a whole.) Once the funds for the pagan temples stopped, the temples very quickly disperser all over the empire, especially in the eastern parts of the empire! This lead to a very strong Christian presence in the eastern region until the Roman empire completely collapsed.

Why was it easy for Christianity to spread throughout the Roman Empire?

A:Until the time of Emperor Constantine, Christianity spread slowly, mainly in the Greek-speaking east and in the city of Rome. Elsewhere in the west, only Lyons had a sizable Christian population. After some three centuries, the Christian population is estmated to have been around ten per cent of the total population of the empire. Constantine gave Christianity state patronage and offered various inducements to become Christian. He also began the long persecution of the pagan temples. Christianity began to grow more quickly, so that by late in the fourth century, when Emperor Theodosius made it the official religion of empire, it represented nearly half the population. Soon afterwards, Theodosius made the public worship of the old gods a criminal offence, punishable by death. Within two or three centuries, Christianity had spread completely across the former Roman Empire.

What invention helped Martin Luther to spread his ideas?

Martin Luther, if you're referring to the founder of Protestant Christianity, used the printing press to spread his ideas throughout Europe.

What did trade do to unify the roman empire?

Trading throughout the empire helped unify it because the merchants used the same money, (or could quickly exchange it), the same language, the same weights and measures and the same regulations of trade.Trading throughout the empire helped unify it because the merchants used the same money, (or could quickly exchange it), the same language, the same weights and measures and the same regulations of trade.Trading throughout the empire helped unify it because the merchants used the same money, (or could quickly exchange it), the same language, the same weights and measures and the same regulations of trade.Trading throughout the empire helped unify it because the merchants used the same money, (or could quickly exchange it), the same language, the same weights and measures and the same regulations of trade.Trading throughout the empire helped unify it because the merchants used the same money, (or could quickly exchange it), the same language, the same weights and measures and the same regulations of trade.Trading throughout the empire helped unify it because the merchants used the same money, (or could quickly exchange it), the same language, the same weights and measures and the same regulations of trade.Trading throughout the empire helped unify it because the merchants used the same money, (or could quickly exchange it), the same language, the same weights and measures and the same regulations of trade.Trading throughout the empire helped unify it because the merchants used the same money, (or could quickly exchange it), the same language, the same weights and measures and the same regulations of trade.Trading throughout the empire helped unify it because the merchants used the same money, (or could quickly exchange it), the same language, the same weights and measures and the same regulations of trade.

Why did the Romans convert to Christianity?

AnswerChristianity grew slowly in the Roman Empire for almost four centuries, until Emperor Constantine adopted Christianity. By lavishing state patronage on the Christian Church, he ensured it considerable prestige among those interested in such matters. At the same time, he sent Christians to plunder the treasures of the pagan temples for the state treasury, resulting in humiliation for the pagan priests and the faith itself.Romans with ambition quickly realised that promotion and success would be facilitated by the, at least apparent, adoption of Christianity. At the same time, Constantine gave the Christian Church the right to distribute state food supplies to the poor, allowing the Church to proselytise to the recipients. Nevertheless, the majorrity of Romans remained faithful to the ancient religion at the time of his death.Ultimately the Romans chose to adopt Christianity because they were given no choice. Christianity progressed under an almost unbroken succession of Christian emperors, until it became the official religion of the Roman Empire and then, in 391, the public worship of pagan gods was prohibited. Even so, it took several centuries of oppression before the pagan faith was stamped out, at least in public.

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What area did Christianity quickly spread throughout?


Where is Christianity from?

Christian is from Atlanta Georgia

What city of the west served as the center of Christianity?

Rome, as centre of the Empire, quickly became the centre of the Christian faith.

Why was Christianity able to spread so quickly throughout the Roman Empire and how did Roman and Christian values combine?

It spread through strong and passionate evangelization. Truly these people were ready to die for Jesus and that send a very powerful message. The Romans didn't change until Constantine came along.

Did Christianity spread quickly?


Where does Christianity thrive?

Throughout the world with its over 2.1 billion adherents. Major areas for Christianity were Europe and the English-speaking nations, however, these are in decline - particularly in Europe - while the Spanish nations of South America and the African nations are growing quite quickly.

In which countries and continents is Christianity practiced?

Christianity is the predominant religion of Europe. It is also the predominant religion in the Americas as well as Australia & New Zealand, because it was Europeans who discovered these other continents first. Lastly, Africa is also quickly gaining Christian adherents.

Who spread Christianity throughout the Roman Empire?

More than anyone before him, Emperor Constantine spread Christianity throughout the Roman Empire. True, Christianity was already well established, especially in the Greek-speaking east, long before the fourth century, but Constantine gave the religion state patronage, offered career preferment to those who claimed to be Christians, and began the long persecution of the pagan temples. From this time, and with this impetus, Christianity spread quickly in the Roman Empire.

Who spread christianity throughout roman empire?

More than anyone before him, Emperor Constantine spread Christianity throughout the Roman Empire. True, Christianity was already well established, especially in the Greek-speaking east, long before the fourth century, but Constantine gave the religion state patronage, offered career preferment to those who claimed to be Christians, and began the long persecution of the pagan temples. From this time, and with this impetus, Christianity spread quickly in the Roman Empire.

How did Constantine affect Christianity?

As Roman Emporer, Constantine declared Christianity to be the official religion of the Roman Empire. At the time, the Empire was vast, so Christianity spread quickly.

Where is Christianity started?

It started in Rome (Not the Middle East) and spread quickly.

Stores grew quickly throughout the south?
